Will you enjoy your spare time and fully relax yourself if you find that there is the wireless video device around you? For almost all the people of course they will not feel comfortable and now if do not want to be disturbed by the wireless video device near you then the wireless video1.2G 1100MHz-1200MHz jammer can be a wise selection to enjoy your spare time.
Just select one wireless video1.2G 1100MHz-1200MHz signal blocker as the example, such as this “Wireless Bug Camera Audio WiFi Jammer with Hand-held design”, having a look at the specification you will at least know that it can block the wireless cameras of the frequency bands 980-1100MHz, 1000-1200MHz, 1240 -1360Mhz and also the Bluetooth/WiFi Wireless spy camera 2400-2500Mhz.On the other hand determined by your background signal strength the jamming radius of this camera jammer is up to 15 meters. And the application of the leather cover makes the hand-held camera jammer easier to carry.
And for such excellent wireless video and WiFi signal jammer also own widely application areas as in places such as meeting room, conference room, museum, gallery, theater, concert hall, church, temple, restaurant, classroom, training center, factory, bank, train, bus, and many other places, there is no need to worry the important events will be photographed or recorded. Thus as designed with good cooling system this wireless video and bluetooth jammer can always stay in good working condition all the time.
If so via using the wireless video and bluetooth blocker, you can spend your free time to chat with your friends, reading the books and also go out for shopping and so on. And if you are searching for a place to gain one high quality wireless video and bluetooth jammer, go ahead to jammerfromchina to get one.