Why This High Power 3G Jammer Is Suitable For Home Use?

Some signal jammers now are designed suitable to be used in the fixed places such as just at home, in the office, in the meeting room, in the church and so many other places. Usually such kind of signal jammers are designed with high power and most of them is just powered by the AC power, stop here you can see why this high power 3G jammer that will be introduced here is suitable for home use and then you will gain the access to know the details of this here you will see why this desktop 2G 3G jammer and see the advantages of it.

JFC170150-4__65614__96012_zoom Why This High Power 3G Jammer Is Suitable For Home Use?


Designed with 8W high output power and owning the desktop style design and enables this high power desktop 2G 3G jammer suitable for those people who want to use the high power 3G jammer just at home and owning powerful jamming distance to cut off the signals of CDMA850(851-894MHz), GSM900(925-960MHz), DCS1800(1805-1880MHz), PCS 1900(1930-1990MHz) and 3G at the same time with up to 30 meters jamming distance depending on the signal strength in the given area, and with good and high quality cooling system this desktop 2G 3G jammer can also stay in good working condition all the time as well.

So if your family members are disturbed and can’t concentrate on one thing or someone can’t have good sleep because of the loudly mobile phone calls at night and you are afraid that being tracked by the mobile phone tracking devices at home, or just want to create peaceful and private condition for your family, this home use 3G jammer can easily help you to reach you goal without cost you too much money as the price of it is less than US$120.

So if you are in need then you can just pick up one to help you from www.jammerfromchina.com. Go ahead to seize the chance.