According to the properties some people need to make phone calls with their mobile phones most of the time, while on the contrary some people should stay in the peaceful condition to continue their work. So it is necessary to use the signal jammers to solve the problem of the phone calls and noises for the people who in need of the peaceful working condition. Have you ever considered what kinds of signal jammers are suitable for office using? Here you will just gain the answer, and find one high power mobile phone jammer that is suitable.
In fact if looking for the office using signal jammers, usually the high power desktop style cell phone signal jammers are suitable and here you can see this “15W High Power 6 Antenna Adjustable 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer” as the example and see the details and then you will understand why. And since the mobile phone signals field now is also developing with high speed so the 4G signals has also come and blocking the 3G 4G signal are in need now and here this 3G 4G phone jammer just own the function. See the details then.
This high power mobile phone jammer is designed with the ability to cut off the signals of CDMA GSM DCS 3G 4G LTE 4G Wimax at the same time and depending on the signal strength in the given area, the jamming distance is up to 40 meters at most and since this office using signal jammer is designed with the adjustable button so that you can decide which frequency band to block depend on your need and requirements and also via the adjustable button you can decide the jamming distance as well. Also the car charger gives more convenient for the car owners as well.
If you are in need of the office using signal jammers and want to know more here at you can not only know this 3G 4G phone jammer you can also know various types of other office using signal blockers as well and there must be once office using jammer suitable for you.