West Africa’s flagship event in RE & environmental protection featuring official German pavilion

showimage West Africa's flagship event in RE & environmental protection featuring official German pavilion


Ghana is ranked among the top 6 export markets in 2014

Ghana is one of the „top export markets 2014“ says the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. This results from the above-average growth and a stable business environment. A professional market entry to Ghana and West Africa is paved by WACEE „14 – the 3rd West African Clean Energy & Environment Exhibition & Conference. For the very first time in 2014, WACEE will feature an official „made in Germany“-pavilion with 17 German exhibitors in addition to an information stand. AHK Ghana and fairtrade now organise the third edition of WACEE on 3-5 November 2014, again at the Accra International Conference Centre.

The German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and Germany Trade & Invest have identified six countries – which should be marked as high priority by the German export economy. State Secretary Stefan Kapferer: „Ghana is characterized by an above-average growth, a positive development in the core sectors of the German middle class and a stable business environment. Great business opportunities open up in the areas of environmental technology, waste and water management and engineering.“

For the first time in 2014, WACEE will feature an official „made in Germany“-pavilion with 17 German exhibitors in addition to an information stand. The German pavilion is presented by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in cooperation with the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) and supported by AHK – Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana. The pavilion will also incorporate an official participation of North-Rhine Westphalia.

A 3-day conference program will run alongside WACEE „14. Day 1 on 03 November 2014 will be supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Topics include among others „The Environment: a global responsibility“ as well as two panels: „Panel West Africa: Perspective on Environmental Industry“ and „Panel Environmental Policy: Reforms and Future Outlooks“. Day 2 on 04 November will see the 2nd Ghanaian-German Renewables Business Forum: Renewable Energy Options for Successful Businesses, presented by the „renewables – Made in Germany“ initiative and its Renewable Energy Project Development Program (PDP) implemented by GIZ as well as AHK Ghana. And the main topic of Day 3 – 05 November will be: „No waste to waste: Productive use of biomass“. This day is supported by the German federal state of North-Rhine Westphalia.
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Dominik Rzepka
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+49 6221 456522

fairtrade Messe
Dominik Rzepka
Kurfürsten Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 456522