In the agricultural regions of Georgia, irrigation is a main driver of economic development. Tractebel is investigating improvement measures in a preliminary study, using its in-house developed EVALS modelling software.
Citrus fruit, grapes, nuts, potatoes, tea – Georgia is known for its bounty of agricultural products, but successful cultivation requires reliable irrigation. To improve water access, a rehabilitation and new construction program for irrigation reservoirs in eastern Georgia is being planned. The Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture has commissioned a preliminary study to prioritize projects.
To that end, the experts are examining the technical and economic aspects of the planned irrigation projects. This includes the hydrological, geological and geotechnical, planning, agro-economic and environmental aspects. The range of projects includes existing dams and reservoirs in need of rehabilitation or expansion, as well as the construction of new irrigation facilities in suitable locations.
Cost estimation and priority list
Tractebel’s tasks also include planning the scope of all construction and rehabilitation work and estimating the costs, as well as determining the impact of additional and more reliable irrigation services for agricultural productivity. Based on these assessments, the experts will develop a multi-criteria analysis by June 2022. The result will consist of a list of priorities and will indicate which projects should be developed in the next phase.
EVALS modelling software
To execute this mandate, the team of experts is using Tractebel’s in-house developed software EVALS. The program simulates and optimizes the long-term operation of a reservoir, with storage and seasonal water release, on the basis of statistical hydrological data. EVALS also optimizes the layout and dimensions of the required structures and uses this information to determine the estimated completion costs with the integrated cost module.
„Our team is working to ensure the development of additional water resources to improve agricultural irrigation, thereby contributing to Georgia’s economic development,“ says Winfried Guth, project manager at Tractebel.
Company Information
As one of the world’s largest engineering companies, Tractebel offers pioneering strategies for a climate-neutral future. Around 5,000 employees develop engineering solutions for complex projects in the fields of energy, water and urban infrastructure. Tractebel customers benefit from 150 years of experience and the local know-how of experts in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. Revenue generated in 2020 was € 581 million. Tractebel is part of the ENGIE Group, an international low-carbon energy and services company.
Tractebel Engineering GmbH
Sabine Wulf, Head of Communications & CSR
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D-61118 Bad Vilbel
Phone: +49 (61 01) 55 – 0