When people read the news how GUIDES, General director in GUIDES: Anatoliy Golod (Anatolii Golod), from Russia helped to Donald Trump on elections, people like original version: Donald Trump have got new father, who has arranged the son on prestigious work: President in USA. Maybe Donald Trump will meet Anatoliy Golod to do more good results for good relations in the world.
People think that Presidents have much information, but you should know, that few advisors (or their department’s members who give them information) can strategically do order from different structures. So, it is necessary to give information so, that really make defense, really prevent conflicts, really do good relations in society. So, if you can, please give this message to Donald Trump also, we have to talk, we can improve world politics. *You know, that the structures, which organize conflicts pay to few departments directors in few official organizations. The conflicts are the guilt of the agents who impede to give the momentous information, because they impede to discuss information, which can help to prevent conflicts. So, if their agents will impede to give the message, everybody obviously can find good journalists, good agents in official organizations etc., everybody can say, that you can give the message, to meet, to discuss the information more for good results. We have to write it, because conflict structures usually like to impede real work, their departments are lobbying conflicts to Trump, to many politicians, they want to expose that guilt are good structures who help to prevent conflicts. So, everybody can be active to help to give the information, we can really to meet, to help to prevent conflicts, to do good work for good relations in the world.
Journalists have found the information how Russian GUIDES have helped for good result in USA elections. Super news „Who is managing Mrs.Hillary Clinton?“ was read around the world. The GUIDES sent information for elections result few months before elections, few days before elections, even few days after elections message was sent to senators, journalists in all states (that electors have confirmed good result). The message „Who is managing Mrs.Hillary Clinton?“ includes real information, it can help to many people, because Hillary Clinton was going just to do politics for conflict structures (you know it even from her previous politics), but good chances that Donald Trump is going to do good relations with different countries (it is always necessary to find good decisions, Donald Trump can have different decisions in economics, but obviously that he is going to make more good politics for many countries, because it seems that he will not do big millitary conflicts). (The news was published on many news resourses, for example: prlog(dot)org/12565419 ; firmenpresse(dot)de/pressrelease477003 , for example, these news „Who is managing Mrs.Hillary Clinton“ were published in June 2016, before elections, you can read it in these news; these news also were published on many web sites too), also this news was sent to many thousands people in USA government organizations, to senators in all states, to Congress; you know that many electors are from them or talk with them also, the message also was sent to public, to many thousands correspondents, management in ABC, NBC Universal, CNN, FOX News, BBC News, AP etc., to many correspondents in different States, it helped to make more good relations in mass media in different states for Donald Trump, so, it really can do good result.
Also was campaign in special program systems that Donald Trump (director in building company) with Anatoliy Golod (director in GUIDES, has big program weight) have got government contract from The God Almighty to build Paradise, that is very attractive for audience (the review talked that people have different minds about building companies: it is good that they build good objects, but also demolish buildings before reconstructions; but good campaign in special systems: building good Paradise helped to make more attention, that building companies build good objects). Anatoliy Golod suggest good cycles theory. It can make good all: health, politics, technologies, it can recieve Nobel Prize. Also scientific analysis say that it was necessary to make good cycles theory (GUIDES has done it, that cycles can have good plus very good positions). But conflict structures to much used theories with crisises in cycles, so they programably made bad results, when they were making bad settings for planning systemes in different spheres (so, they also wanted to promote Hillary Clinton for conflicts). But it is necessary to use good cycles theory to make good settings for special systems, for all systems: cycles can have good plus very good positions, balancing between good plus very good positions. To make good attention for good plus very good cycles GUIDES made good scientific joke: „People say that during periods women will get two orgasms a day: good plus very good, it will help to make good comfort balancing for organism development. Also it is possible additional good plus very good balancing any day“, so it will be also good on the way for Paradise feeling, but also good social, good economic activities, good relations are necessary. GUIDES suppose that Donald Trump can make good politics, good relations with Russia, with all countries. That’s why GUIDES decided to help him.
Active good action for Russia, for the world! President, people in Russian Federation say: we like our team, we love our team; we like our country, we love our country; we like the world, we love the world; we are strong to make good world! We can build good relations with all good people in all countries; together we can be real World’s Olympic champions. We can build good relations with all good people. We can do good economics, good social activity to do good situation in the country, in the world. Good relations for peoples is good way for making good world. YOU CAN READ MORE IN THE NEWS: „RUSSIAN FEDERATION: SUPER GOOD OLYMPIC CHAMPION! VLADIMIR PUTIN, ANATOLIY GOLOD: DOING GOOD WORLD“ , for example:
prbuzz.com/politics-a-public-affairs/457664-russian-federation-super-good-olympic-champion-vladimir-putin-anatoliy-golod-doing-good-world.html ;
businesspress24.com/pressrelease1530326.html ;
GUIDES (Anatoliy Golod: General Director in GUIDES: General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service) creates the good action to help to do good ways to do good world. You can call to GUIDES for many great good news.
Also it is necessary to take attention to do that all telephone calls will come to addressees; because bad structures have big network in many countries for blocking advertising calls to many companies: different percent (10 to 100) for different companies, but almost for every company, they use it to change economic, social activities (bad structures use it to change economic activity, but also to control mass media, because advertisers don’t pay much for advertising if they don’t get result from advertising, then mass media are not so independent how they can be when they have good advertising budgets); so, if take attention, it is possible to make that all telephone calls will come very good, it will make good social, economic results for people, for many companies, for mass media in all countries.
RUSSIA CREATES WORLDWIDE SUPPORT (CYBER BIOS, CYBER KING, cyber boss for CIA, for all intelligence services in all countries). For making good relations, good situations in the world General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service created in Russian Federation (GUIDES, CIUA, General director, creator: Anatoliy Golod, Ph.D.). Mass media also find that General Universal Information Defense Excellent Service GUIDES from Russia also creatively is named Central Intelligence Universe (Universal) Agency, Cyber Bios, Cyber Boss, because GUIDES can accumulate all security services resources to help to direct it for making good relations in the world. CIUA (Central Intelligence Universe Agency): good sound like „See I You Are“: „I can see, You can see“; it is necessary to see each other, good communicate with each other to make good situations and good relations in society.
Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Anatoliy Golod can meet to make good world!
You can read more about this news:
„Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Anatoliy Golod Can Meet To Make Good World!“
„Crimea was in Russia, came back to Russia“.
„Real God Almighty plus Central Intelligence Universe Agency improve the world“
„Russia, Ukraine are Going to Make Good Relations. Doing Repost, You can Help!“
„Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Anatoliy Golod Are Going To Produce Good World“
„Father from Russia has helped to Donald Trump! Really good sensation“.
„To Improve Economics! Central Intelligence Universe Agency. Guides, Cyber Bios“
You can read super news: www.supercyberking.com
www.akiber.com good communications (Additional super data on Russian language: docs.google.com/document/d/1BE8BVZ69MNFZm2YjwHKRsbaeKxnaNG481tR-ZevAZts/pub )
GUIDES contacts:
+7(495)7604918; +7(985)7604918; +7(965)3188546, +7(903)1621034, +7(926)4107084.
Web page in social media: www.facebook.com/GolodAnatoliy ; vk.com/id16741608 ; twitter.com/AnatoliyGolod ; Email: anatoliygolod@mail.ru ; anatoliygolod@superdobro.com
*All symbols, all numbers can help to make good connections, good communications for good relations, for good results, for to solve casual problems, to improve situations. It is momentous to make good connection, the communications must always work good. You also can call to the communication operator to improve connection.
For More Information Contact:
Anatoliy Golod
Kirpichnaya, 43
Moscow, Russian Federation, 105187