The Program for the Open Source Backup Conference is finalised

The Open Source Bosbconf_logo_2016_500_PM-300x114 The Program for the Open Source Backup Conference is finalisedackup Conference on the 26th and 27th of September in Cologne revolves around the subject data backup in general and particularly Open Source Backup Software, such as Rear, Amanda, Bacula and above all their fork Bareos. The two hosts dass IT and open source expert NETWAYS present the conference program.

Nuremberg July 8, 2016

IT responsible and decision makers from different branches such as science, research, media or software development have the possibility to get informed about the newest experience and best practices concerning data backup. And they may seize the opportunity to exchange experiences and put the newly acquired know-how to use.

The internationally oriented conference takes place on the 26th and 27th of September in Cologne. Besides supplementary hands-on workshops on the subjects “Bareos introduction “, “Monitoring Bareos with Icinga 2“and “REAR “, the conference offers an exciting agenda with top-class speakers. Tobias Groß (Globalways AG) talks about the active client as a new Bareos feature, Gratien d`Haese (IT3 Consultants) talks about his experience on business continuity management with Bareos and REAR and Christian Reiss (Symgenius) treats backup with Bareos and ZFS, but also goes into automation with Puppet.

We are particularly looking forward to hearing Erol Ülükmen (uib), who will give an overview on the client management system “opsi”. He will also give an insight into client backup strategies. Further speakers are Thomas Otto from the Friedrich- Schiller University in Jena, Bareos co- founder Philipp Storz and Maik Außendorf.

Within the conference all participants will have the opportunity to establish new contacts and to exchange experiences.

The program, the conference tickets and all further information can be found on



Event Data

September 26 to 27, 2016

Im Media Park 8b
D-50670 Köln

Pamela Drescher
Head of Marketing
+49 911 92885-0

Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
90429 Nuremberg


About dass IT GmbH

dass IT was founded in 2004. Since then, dass IT accomplishes projects with open source software in small and medium-sized enterprises, government agencies and corporate clients. Their Team of high class Linux experts are qualified to put the complete range of open source software into practice. Main activities are in the fields of systems management, scheduling and execution of high availibility Linux server systems and the integration of Linux servers and services into existing complex IT infrastructures.
Strong partners like Novell, Red Hat, Univention, SEP, GroundWork and OpenXchange are important to give the customer the opportunity to order software and support from the producer itself.
dass IT is one of the leading developers of the open source software solution Bareos.



NETWAYS GmbH has been supporting companies in the management of complex IT environments based on open source software for more than 20 years. NETWAYS is market leading in open source systems management based on Icinga, Puppet and Elastic.
Our customers are companies and organisations from all sectors such as Deutsche Post AG, Deutsche Welle, REWE group, Rakuten, Audi AG, Continental AG and GFK AG.
NETWAYS has also made a name for itself as organizer of various conferences training courses on open source monitoring and open source data center solutions.
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