There are quite a good number of lenders in the internet today. Given the availability of thousand of lenders and scammers, loan seekers are having difficulty in choosing the right lender. If you are not careful as a loan seeker, you may end up falling prey to scammers or getting your loan approved at a higher interest rate. This is one of the reasons why some loan seekers apply for loans through loan brokers.
Loans expert is a UK based loan broker that can help you find a lender that will approve your loan at a lower interest rate. You can apply for different types of loan through the brokerage. Owing to the fact that the site has favorable conditions with many lenders in the UK, the chances that you will get your loans approved through the brokerage is high. However, there is no 100% percent certainty that the lenders will approve your loan.
Normally, if you apply for loan through this site, you are expected to pay the service fee of £69.50. This amount does not include the commission that may be given to the company by lenders if your loan is approved. At times loan seekers may decide to cancel their agreement with the company. If you cancel your agreement with the company the law requires that the service fee be refunded to you. The refund is in accordance with the stipulations of Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004. If you are applying for loans expert refund, there are certain things that you should bear in mind.
What to bear in mind when applying for loans expert refund
• The first thing that you should know about the loans expert refund is that the cancellation of the contract has to be made within 14 days from the time you get the terms and condition. You are no longer entitled to the refund if you do not cancel your agreement within with 14 days.
• Loans expert does not guarantee you that lenders will accept your application. Thus if you application is not accepted, you cannot apply for a refund of money.
• If you cancel your agreement with the company within the stipulated time limit, you have to give the company a maximum of 30 days to refund you. The 30 days timeframe starts counting from the day the company receives the request for refund.
• The request has to be put in writing and send to the appropriate address stipulated in the terms and conditions of the company.
Be sure to take a look at loans expert now. Click Here To Know More About loans expert 69.50.