The age of renewable energy: grid and market integration

showimage The age of renewable energy: grid and market integration

8th European Conference on Green Power Markets – Europe“s Forum for Renewable Energies

Kreuzlingen, August 2013 – It is no longer just simply a question of how green power can be successfully promoted and marketed; now, we need to consider how renewable energies can be sustainably integrated into the market and grid. Market players and decision makers in Europe“s renewable energy industry will address these issues on October 10 and 11, 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ambitious targets, political pressure and market liberalisation are responsible for the fact that renewables are now a fixed feature in the supply of power. In its twelfth year the European Conference on Green Power Markets focuses on the growing significance of renewable energies and their integration into the grid and market.

Along with our partners AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies), Eurelectric, SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy) and VSE (Swiss Electricity Industry Association), Vereon AG welcomes top-class market players of the European energy industry to the Hotel InterContinental in Geneva on October 10 and 11, 2013.

International experts of the energy sector will discuss the roles which the state, industry and the energy and finance sectors will play in realising the investments necessary towards a sustainable energy industry. Among the key issues to be addressed at this year“s conference are the following topics:

– Policies and market deployment initiatives – the stakeholder view
– Trends in international green power markets – future market design
– Grid integration and storage of renewables
– Green power supply and demand – hands-on experience

In addition to presentations, discussions and parallel forums, the European Conference on Green Power Markets offers an ideal forum for cross-border exchange of views and experiences.

For further information, please visit:

Die Vereon AG veranstaltet hochkarätige Tagungen, Konferenzen und Workshops zu aktuellen Themen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Ausgewiesene Experten aus Forschung, Wissenschaft, Praxis und Politik präsentieren regelmässig pragmatische Lösungsansätze und wegweisende Trends. Führungs- und Fachkräfte aller Branchen schätzen diese Informationsplattformen zum Wissensausbau, Erfahrungsaustausch und zur Gewinnung wertvoller neuer Kontakte.

Vereon AG
Stephan Mayer
Hauptstrasse 54
8280 Kreuzlingen
0041 71 677 8703