Some diet obviously normal, why body fat is excess it? The problem is in the food, some foods you eat, the less will only encourage your body fat, while some food, you eat more, just scrape the oil and water of your body! super slim is a healthy diet pills and let’s have a look ten good food.
1, corn: Containing rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, E and carotene, is also rich in fiber. Vegetables in corn oil, can reduce cholesterol and soften blood vessels. Corn cholecystitis, gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis and diabetes, the role of adjuvant therapy.
2, oats: Have a role in lowering cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Oats are rich in dietary fiber, this soluble oat fiber, not found in other grains. This fiber is easily absorbed by the body, and because of the low heat content, both conducive to weight loss, but also suitable for heart disease, hypertension and diabetes on the therapeutic need.
3 Alliaceous: The onion ring containing alliin and methionine compounds, to help dissolve blood clots. The onions almost no fat, can inhibit the high-fat diet caused high cholesterol, and help to improve atherosclerosis. The onion extract onion prime, treatment of cardiovascular sclerosis. Garlic can lower total serum cholesterol, triolein content. The secondary metabolites of allicin methacryloyl trisulfide, A2 synthetic to prevent coagulation bolt quality, it can prevent blood clots. Garlic can treat obesity.
4, yam: Mucus proteins, can prevent cardiovascular system fat deposition, to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent arteriosclerosis, reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity. Yam dopamine, dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation. , Yams can improve the human digestive function, enhance physical fitness. During the holidays if indigestion, you can add a little sugar Gong Zhu with yam, lotus seed, Gorgon.
5, seaweed: Known as „sea vegetables“ reputation. Seaweed remarkable for its low-calorie, low-fat, some seaweed with lipid-lowering effects. Kelp and other brown algae, rich in colloid fiber, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Seaweed also contains many unique active substances, such as blood pressure, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic, anticancer role.
6 tremella: The Tremella there significant lipid-lowering and anti-thrombotic effect.
7 potatoes: There are very strong lower blood cholesterol, maintain blood acid-base balance, anti-aging and anti-cancer effect. Potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and glial volume of defecation substances, can be described as „intestinal scavenger.
8, celery: Contains more dietary fiber, especially containing blood pressure lowering ingredients, also lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar.
9, jujube: More food can increase the antioxidant and immunity. Jujube lower blood cholesterol, triolein are also very effective.
10, Apple: Its pectin has a role to reduce blood cholesterol. Apple is rich in potassium, can rid of excess sodium in the body, such as eating three apples a day is beneficial to both the maintenance of blood pressure, lipids.