What it takes to play a 228-kg man

Life-inside-a-fat-suit What it takes to play a 228-kg man 

(Image:uk prom dresses)Allari Naresh talks about the niggles of wearing 23-odd kilos of prosthetic make-up to look like a 228-kg man

Playing a fatso on screen is a lot of sweat and slime… quite literally at that. From 6-hour long make-up routines, to wearing shoes five sizes bigger than his, to battling skin rashes sticking to a liquids only diet, Allari Naresh gives us a low-down on what it takes to play a 228-kg man.

Six hours to slap on make-up!

I had to spend nearly five to six hours everyday to just wear the make-up and later spend another two hours to remove it. The prosthetic make-up was so heavy that it restricted my body movement severely. Sometimes, the weight was so much that I’d be unable to walk straight.

Too big for my boots, literally

My shoe size is 10; however, because the story is about a guy who weighs 228 kilos, I had to wear size 15 shoes. At times, I used to lose my balance because my shoes were five sizes too big, and to top it, I was a little too big for my shoes.

On a liquid diet

Prosthetic make-up doesn’t allow you to move your facial muscles too much. That meant, no munching on food! So, for as long as I was in that suit, I couldn’t eat properly. In fact my only diet was food that could be sipped through a straw.

Of itchy rashes and pools of sweat

It is said that you shouldn’t shoot with prosthetic make-up for more than four days at a stretch, as it closes the pores of your skin. That’s not all, the ideal temperature to shoot in when wearing this make-up is 16o C. The temperature in Hyderabad is way too high. And given our tight schedules, time is a luxury. This one time, the shooting went on for almost a week without a break and the next thing I know, I have rashes all over my body. The worst part was that I couldn’t scratch my body.

Sweating was the other issue. As it is, I sweat a lot even under normal circumstances. So you can imagine what happened after wearing such heavy make-up — it just got aggravated.Also read here:cheap cocktail dresses