Motivational Author Shawn Anderson Offers Help Getting Over the Hump.
Los Angeles, CA, January 07, 2016 /PressReleaseCircle/ — Motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson is passionate about inspiring people to keep on track with their goals and remain in pursuit of “living a life you love.” With many making 2016 resolutions, the beginning of a new year represents an opportunity for people to set a new direction for their lives. “Unfortunately,” Anderson shares, “goals made on December 31 seemed a lot more exciting to accomplish than following through with them on January 10th.”
Recognized for having interviewed hundreds of people who have re-defined their lives because they either chose to or had to, Anderson shares three secrets to staying on track with goals “before you get off the proverbial treadmill completely.”
First, Anderson says, “Don’t let yourself slide back into 2015 mediocrity. Realize that you will never quit living in Mediocreland unless you quit making excuses for yourself. You created where you are and you can un-create it, too.” Anderson continues, “Find an accountability partner who is passionate about creating change in his or her life and motivate each other. Daily.”
Second, Anderson shares, „Don’t expect overnight miracles in your life. More than likely, what you hated about 2015 will still be showing its face in 2016 initially because it’s impossible to reinvent yourself over night. Massive change doesn’t happen that way. But transformation does happen when we are persistent and keep taking small steps forward every day. Single steps daily add up to big changes eventually. Be patient with yourself, but be persistent in not letting yourself off the hook.”
Finally, Anderson states, „Don’t make the excuse that this is not the right time to ‘go for it’ when things start to get tough. Now is the time. Waiting for the perfect situation to unfold before we find the guts to make changes only prolongs our existence in the mediocrity rut.“ Anderson goes on, „Don’t wait for the stars to fall into perfect alignment before you decide to go for it. If things are not lining up as you would have liked, don’t you dare quit creating the change you want in your life.”
The author of six motivational books, including A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over and Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose, Anderson is also the creator of „Extra Mile Day“ – a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service.
„Living a life that you love starts with making the decision to quit coasting,“ Anderson, the author of the motivational book Amicus 101: A Story About the Pursuit of Purpose and Overcoming Life’s Chaos, concludes. „Life is fast and short, and the person who coasts is the person who will never experience the true potential of his or her life.”
Shawn Anderson
Los Angeles, CA