Several methods help you get rid of your pork belly

1, The best losing weight method for your stomach, eat less at dinner At dinner, if you eat too much, which will be hard to digest and cause the fat accumulation in your belly. Long time later, you will own the pork belly. Every dinner you can eat as less and light as possible. If you feel too hungry, you can eat 30%-50% full. Two hours after dinner, you can drink some yogurt to help you digest. Eat less at dinner is the premise to help you get rid of your pork belly.

2, After dinner standing against the wall Half an hour after the supper, you can eat some lida daidaihua slimming capsule and super slim pomegranate, let your whole body back against the wall, clamping hip and let hip, back, legs, waist, head, neck to stick closely to metope, at the beginning you can clamp the scraps of paper, and keep the paper not drop down. You will feel tired after a few minutes later, but you must insist on, it is OK to keep on 15 minutes. This method not only can thin waist and belly, but also thin the neck and face. You had better do at least once a day, after a week you can see the effect on slim forte.

3, Walking while shrinking your abdomen When you are walking and standing as usual, you can shrink the abdomen vigorously, cooperate with the abdominal breathing, which can let the lower abdomen flesh become firm, this kind of method is invisible. The people who have practiced yoga or voice must be familiar with the abdominal breathe law. Inhale and bulge your belly. On the exhale, crimple your belly. It can help stimulate the gastrointestinal peristalsis and promote the body discharge waste, also enhance your breathing capacity. The people who have got used to the common breathe may feel accustomed to it, but you should remind yourself that you must shrink your belly to lose weight on your belly. After few weeks, not only your lower abdomen will be more and more smooth, and walking posture is more charming!

4, Stand and twist your waist This movement can be practices at noon or in the evening. If you are watching TV, you might as well take the advertising space to stand up and keep your chest straight and suck in your belly. Then twist your waist for 100 times (just like the twist waist movement of belly dance, use the force of waist but not the legs and back). If you can insist on this movement and keep eating the lida daidaihua slimming capsule and super slim diet pills every day, I am sure you can get rid of your pork belly.

5, Massage Massage is the most commonly used thin belly method, promote blood circulation and gastrointestinal peristalsis by rubbing your stomach, thus you can reduce the intestinal absorption of nutrition, expel the waste outside, as well as to improve constipation.