Google is the most used search engine today, and its popularity is soaring everyday. So that you can score higher ranks in Google webmasters are working night and day. There have already been changes in search engine algorithms due to use of No Hands SEO which the work of optimization has become even more easy.
During 2005-2006, post promotion used and was extensively used to give higher ranks on search engines. Several webmasters used to compose insightful post and then they strove submitting their posts to several hundred sites. Post promotion was accepted and broadly popular technique used to score higher ranks on search engines. Yet, it got entangled into duplicate punishment. If your post is submitted to 100 distinct sites, then search engines considered 1-2 back links from your post site where your post was submitted/crawled first time. Most of the post sites endured duplicate punishment as a result of duplicate posts which were copy-pasted from other post sites.
On the other hand link exchange technique was extensively popular during 2005-2006, but since 2007, search engines have began to nullify the effectiveness of link exchange software. Yet, you can nevertheless try and change links with market sites. You need to ensure that the link exchange associate is linked to the business field of your web site.
Most of these changes in the previous 1-2 years have began to bring out some actual problems in Search Engine Optimization including Sandbox, Duplicate Content Problems, etc.
Search engines plans to work difficult to ensure their standing algorithms as a way to make more gains through PPC. On the other hand Search Engine Optimization people are working night and day to comprehend their standing layout and search engines.
Search online and you’ll stumble upon several hundred or even thousands of websites and newsgroups discussing other problems and Page Rank. Yet the facts are that the page status has virtually no relationship with the real ranks of your webpage. The only gain page status can give is to getting your web site seem on the leading places of various web directories that reveal results according to PR.
Thus one should try and concentrate on construction a naturally popular web site with quality content. You’ll mechanically gain back links that will lead to higher ranks, if your content is good enough.
SEO is an ever evolving discipline, and one should read No Hands SEO Review from manufactured techniques to get higher ranks. Search engines don’t need individuals to control their search engine ranks so they keep on making the procedure tough for a Search Engine Optimization optimizer.