Scientific high-flyers from the region

showimage Scientific high-flyers from the region

Science2Start award winners, laudator Dr. Helmut Hengstenberg, Dr. Klaus Eichenberg and sponsors.

Science2Start: Award for excellent research ideas from Tübingen and Reutlingen

(Stuttgart/Esslingen) – This year’s Science2Start awards ceremony that formed part of the BioRegio STERN summer reception hosted by BioRegio STERN Management GmbH and the Verein zur Förderung der Biotechnologie und Medizintechnik e. V. (Society for the Promotion of Biotechnology and Medical Technology) at the Aero Club Esslingen honoured scientific excellence in the region. Dr. Markus Templin and his team from Reutlingen’s Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the University of Tübingen were awarded first prize for their automated protein analysis system. Dr. Sven Schnichels and Professor Martin Spitzer from the Department for Ophthalmology at the University Clinic of Tübingen won second prize for their improvements to eye drops with nanoparticles. Third place was awarded to an innovative process for analysing damage to genomes‘ DNA developed by Dr. Simon Lehle from the Department of Molecular Medicine at the Interfaculty Institute for Biochemistry at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. The prizes, worth a total of 4,500 euros, were sponsored by VOELKER & Partner, a firm of lawyers, tax consultants and auditors.

Many guests from science, industry and politics attended the traditional summer reception hosted by BioRegio STERN Management GmbH at the airfield of Aero Club Esslingen on Thursday evening. The Lord Mayor of Esslingen, Dr. Jürgen Zieger, and Dr. Klaus Eichenberg, BioRegio STERN’s Managing Director, opened the event. Dr. Helmut Hengstenberg, long-standing Managing Director and partner of Esslingen-based foodstuffs manufacturer Hengstenberg, then explained how his company has used biotechnological processes to manufacture vinegar and sauerkraut for more than 100 years before delivering the laudation for the Science2Start award winners.

First prize for the NMI and its innovative „DIGI-West“ process
Dr. Markus Templin and Fridolin Treindl from Reutlingen’s Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the University of Tübingen were awarded first prize for their „DIGI-West“ automated analysis system, which is able to ascertain and analyse many different proteins from miniscule samples. This improves understanding of the processes in cells and their effects on the progression of diseases. The system analyses multiple parameters simultaneously, which reduces the time and effort involved. The ability to quickly and reliably identify changes related to a disease could assist the development of effective therapies.

Second prize awarded to scientists at the University Clinic of Tübingen for their „nano-I-drops“ system
Dr. Sven Schnichels and Professor Martin Spitzer from the Department for Ophthalmology at the University Clinic of Tübingen were awarded second prize for their co-development „nano-I-drops“. These optimise the effectiveness of eye drops using nanoparticles formed from natural ingredients that enable active ingredients to be better absorbed by the eye. As the eye’s tear film and blinking mechanism often prevent any more than five percent of the administered ingredient from penetrating the eye, eye drops generally contain very high concentrations, which can lead to undesirable side effects. Far lower concentrations of the active ingredient suffice in „nano-I-drops“, ensuring better absorption and tolerance of the eye drops.

Third place for biochemists at the University of Tübingen and their „customised DNA damage determination“
Dr. Simon Lehle from the Department of Molecular Medicine at the Interfaculty Institute for Biochemistry at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, won third prize with his new method for „customised DNA damage determination“. He is developing an innovative process for analysing the kind of damage to genomes“ DNA that can lead to tumours and neurodegenerative diseases if the cellular repair system fails. This method is suitable for basic research and enabling early diagnosis of illnesses.

This year’s summer reception, co-hosted by the Stuttgart Convention Bureau/Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH and staged with the support of sponsors from the region, took place at the airfield and hangar of the Esslingen Aero Club, offering the award winners and guests plenty of space to mingle. Key figures from the cluster initiative „Engineering – Life Sciences – Automation“ (ELSA) took the opportunity to strengthen their contacts with entrepreneurs from the automation industry. It was also a great chance to get to know the Dutch entrepreneurs who were present because of their involvement in the EU’s IN2LifeSciences and Biomat-IN projects. Dick de Jager from the Noord-Brabant Development Agency, a partner in the EU’s IN2LifeSciences project since 2008, praised the successful long-term collaboration with the STERN BioRegion and subsequently picked the three random winners of a gliding flight voucher.

Bildrechte: Michael Latz/Bio Regio STERN Management GmbH Bildquelle:Michael Latz/Bio Regio STERN Management GmbH

About BioRegio STERN Management GmbH:
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is a skill-sharing network, providing a help and ad-vice centre for founders of new businesses, entrepreneurs and researchers in the life sciences sector in the cities of Stuttgart, Tübingen, Esslingen and Reutlingen and the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions. BioRegio STERN Management GmbH represents the interests of these market players in dealings with political circles, the media and associations and provides advice on grant applications and corporate financing. Key focal points include regenerative medicine, medical technology and the automation of biotechnology. Managing Director Dr. Klaus Eichenberg is a molecular and cell biologist and investment analyst.

BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
Diana Schwarz Public Relations Management
Friedrichstrasse 10
70174 Stuttgart
+49 (0)711-870354-23

Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH
Anja Pätzold
Hohenheimer Strasse 58a
70184 Stuttgart
+49 (0)711-6070719