Runner’s Paradise – An interactive book and running project

showimage Runner's Paradise - An interactive book and running project

Runner’s Paradise Destinations – Overview

The Best Running Adventures Worldwide

Michele Ufer knows some of the most beautiful places on earth. He explored them trekking, climbing and running. He now wants to present these fascinating adventure travels as an exclusive picture book and travel guide. It’s special in the regard, that you can join in and become a part of the book.

„It will be the travel bible for trailrunners“, says Ufer and describes his project as a combination of picture book and practical travel guide about the best running adventures worldwide. Trailrunning, meaning to run almost exclusively on small trails and paths, is becoming extreme popular among novice and professional long distance runners.

Runner’s Paradise promises to take the reader onto the most spectacular trails you can find on this planet. Michele Ufer picked already a high-profile selection of possible destinations on all continents. All profiles are represented: mountains, deserts, coastlines, jungles and even islands. The expeditions are very diverse. We travel to places, that are unique for one reason or another, some deserve a more superlative description.

„Everybody can join and participate in this project personally“, this message is very important to Ufer, because it elevates the entire idea to something special. There are three ways to get involved: you can recommend a tour, participate in a research expedition or support the project through crowdfunding.

The research trips, where all the data, background and information (trip reports, diaries, interviews, photos, videos, etc.) is being collected, are advertised as running expeditions. Potential runners can accompany Michele Ufer on these trips by booking one of the exclusive tickets and become this way a part of the story and the book (through photos, interviews, comments, name listing in the book and website).

The funding for Runner’s Paradise is realized through crowdfunding. This works, when many individuals, possibly private, finance this project and receive, depending on the extent of their participation, a high-profile return, eg. becoming designated supporter in the book and website, receiving a limited „motivation-calender“ with the best shots, first edition in hard-cover (signed), exclusive ticket to join one of the research trips, for a limited number of businesses: presentation in the book. Only if the minimum sum is being generated in a limited amount of time, the money will be paid out and the project can start. If not, no money will be paid and the project ends without financial risk for the investors.

Already three large publishing houses have signaled their interest in the book „Runner’s Paradise“.

The sport psychologist and mental coach Michele Ufer takes his social responsability, like he does in all of his projects, very seriously. A percentage of the revenues will be donated to the foundation „Kinderglück“. Their members volunteer to help social disadvantaged kids and teenagers and guarantee, that 100% of the donations reach the kids in need.

Michele Ufer hopes, especially for this reason, that many people will join in and participate in this fascinating project.

Further informations, photos and videos can be found at: and

TEAM RUNNING ADVENTURE is a brand of Michele Ufer Group. The TEAM RUNNING ADVENTURE can proof more than 16 years of experience of organizing and conducting adventure and sports programs in numerous countries. Our expertise in coaching single clients and groups builds a solid platform for extraordinary running expeditions, seminars and coachings.

Team Running Adventure
Michele Ufer
Unterer Ahlenbergweg 46
58313 Herdecke
+49 2330 6120252