Richard Simmons Project H.O.P.E as Seen on TV Review

Millions of Americans struggle with their weight and many of whom try different weight loss programs and diets that never seem to work. The Richard Simmons Project H.O.P.E 90 Day workout program is the latest weight-loss program put together by the famous celebrity trainer who has helped America lose millions of pounds with his motivating and fun workout programs along with a sensible eating program. This weight loss program is perfect for people of all shapes and sizes whether you’re a long term fan or newcomer.

richard-simmons Richard Simmons Project H.O.P.E as Seen on TV Review

Richard Simmons is a celebrity fitness guru with over 38 years experience and one battled obesity himself weighing a total of 268 pounds after he graduated high school and was subject to ridicule. Like most people battling weight loss, Richard has tried many weight loss fads including taking harmful laxatives. He eventually gained control of his lifestyle by combining a balance of eating healthy and exercise. In 1974 he launched his first innovative workout program and has since launched over 65 workout videos and sold 20 million copies worldwide and a best selling author with the New York Times.

„I really enjoyed the Richard Simmons Project Hope workout program because unlike any other programs that are serious and boring, Richard finds a way to make them fun and motivating. I’m having so much fun while I follow along that it doesn’t seem like a workout and when I’m finished my shirt is drenched with sweat. As you go through the 90 day program they progressively get harder but your body adapts and becomes more fit as you go through the program. My waist has gotten dramatically slimmer and I’ve lost so much weight thanks to the Project Hope workout program“ -Lianna Corucci


The Project Hope fitness program will help inspire and motivate those from all walks of life with the help of America’s beloved fitness trainer get control of their life in just 90 days. The H.O.P.E in project hope stands for Health (because we need it to be strong), Optimism (to believe we can do it), Passion (to make health a priority every day) and Energy (to fuel our body).

The Richard Simmons Project HOPE workout program includes his special brand of motivation and humor that inspires to get the best results. The FOODMOVER device which provides the ability to keep track of portions and calories easily along with the 90-Day Food Program. The unique Triple Training method that can help burn 3 times more fat than traditional cardio and maximize weight loss. Easy-to-follow workouts for every body type and age. 30 minute effective workouts to challenge the body. This program has 3 phases which last 1 month that will tone and burn fat. Fun routines along with great music to spike energy levels and more!

I really enjoyed the Richard Simmons Project Hope workout program because unlike any other programs that are serious and boring, Richard finds a way to make them fun and motivating. I’m having so much fun while I follow along that it doesn’t seem like a workout and when I’m finished my shirt is drenched with sweat. As you go through the 90 day program they progressively get harder but your body adapts and becomes more fit as you go through the program. My waist has gotten dramatically slimmer and I’ve lost so much weight thanks to the Project Hope workout program.

There are 3 workout DVD’s that are included in this workout system which includes a total of 9 workouts. The first DVD is called Commit which helps getting into the routine of working out. Richard Simmons teaches dance moves which are used throughout the entire workout program. This DVD will focus on the upper and lower body and tone the body using light weights and bursts of cardio. It engages the core muscles through the use of balance and posture. The second Project Hope workout DVD is called Push which teaches new dance moves and is a little more intense and faster continuing to burn calories, tone the body and engage the entire core. The third DVD in the Richard Simmons Project Hope is the hardest and is targets all muscles with high bursts of cardio in between.

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