In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, the Empire is in disarray. Fragments of the former regime have gained footholds on distant worlds, trying to cling to what little power they have. The once pristine and uniform ranks of stormtroopers that fought for the Empire now resemble a ragtag army of mercenaries for lawless gangsters.
If ever an automobile proved the notion that they don’t make ’em like they used to, it would be the Challenger 2. The 32-foot-long, 36-inch-wide and 37-inch-high streamliner was designed and built by Mickey Thompson, a hall-of-fame driver and self-made engineer, who piloted the aerodynamic twin-Hemi-powered vehicle to a top speed of 406 mph during a preliminary run at the Bonneville Salt Flats in 1968. After rain shut down the flats for what could have been Thompson’s second, record-setting run, his racing team lost its sponsorship. Life also got in the way, and ultimately Thompson never returned to Bonneville, leaving his ultimate goal in the car unfulfilled.
But if ever an automobile proved that some things can improve over time—and with new technology—it would also be the Challenger 2. In 2010, some 20 years after Mickey Thompson’s death, Danny Thompson decided to finish what his father had set out to achieve: breaking a land speed record in the streamliner that Sports Illustrated once declared “a rolling textbook in sophisticated automotive design.” He pulled the Challenger 2 out from storage and began a seven-year journey restoring, retrofitting and updating the car to meet the Southern California Timing Association’s contemporary requirements.
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