The market research company Ceresana analyzed the entire pigment market already for the fifth time: 10 million tonnes were sold worldwide in 2017. “The majority was utilized in the industry of Asia-Pacific”, explains Oliver Kutsch, CEO of the market research institute. “Due to above-average growth rates, demand in this region will presumably rise to almost 6.3 million tonnes until 2025. Reaching market shares of 16.5 % and 13.2 % respectively, North America and Western Europe ranked second and third.”
Pigments for the Paint Industry
The most important sales market in 2017 was the production of paints and coatings, which accounted for 45% of total global demand. Processing of pigments in plastics ranked second at a considerable distance, followed by the application areas construction material, printing inks, and paper. The use of pigments in the respective applications varies greatly from submarket to submarket. In regard to paints, classic interior and facade paints for the construction industry accounted for about 2.26 million tonnes. Industrial products are the second largest submarket. Paints and coatings fulfill several purposes in this segment: Besides protection against environmental influences and decorative purposes, they may also be used for electronic insulation in electric products or as oxygen barrier in the packaging of foodstuffs. With an average annual growth rate of 2.7% per year, the transportation industry is one of the most dynamic growth markets for the use of paint and coating pigments.
Pigment Applications Plastics and Printing Inks
In the application area plastics, the segment packaging accounts for the major share of the use of pigments with about 1.2 million tonnes. The second largest application area are plastics in the construction industry, followed by industrial applications such as components for the transportation industry, the electrical engineering and electronics sectors, in mechanical engineering, medical technology, and the agricultural industry. In printing inks, the use of pigments in offset printing dominates with a 53% share of the total printing ink market. Offset printing has become the most important printing process: It is the process of choice in the printing of newspapers and about half of all catalogs are produced using this process. The use of pigments in flexo printing ranks second. It is frequently used for flexible packaging, pulp and nonwovens, labels and corrugated board, cardboard boxes, and films.
Titanium Dioxide Is One of the Most Important Types of Pigments
Worldwide, titanium dioxide (TiO2) accounts for about 60% of total pigment demand. It is mainly used for paints and coatings. The second largest sales market are iron oxide pigments that are the most commonly used inorganic color pigments. Carbon black ranked third. It is mostly used as a filler in vehicle tires and other rubber applications, however, it also serves as a black pigment. Registering a total volume of less than 1 million tonnes, organic pigments as well as inorganic pigments only account for a small share on global pigment market. However, they are suitable for a wide range of applications. Depending on the chemical composition, inorganic and organic pigments can be distinguished: Organic pigments are based on carbon; inorganic pigments usually are metallic salts. They can also be combined at times. Compared to many other pigments, organic pigments are much more expensive. They are often used for printing inks, followed by paints and plastics.
The Study in Brief:
Chapter 1 provides a description and analysis of the global pigment market, including forecasts up to 2025: The development of revenues, demand volumes, and production is analyzed for each region.
Chapter 2 offers a detailed analysis of 31 countries: demand, export, import, output, and turnover. Market data on demand per country are split by pigment types. In addition, the 16 most important countries are also analyzed regarding application areas.
Chapter 3 analyzes regional and country-specific markets for pigments in detail: Data and influential factors on use in paints and coatings (split by the submarkets construction industry, automotive coatings, industry, other paints and coatings), plastics (packaging, construction industry, industry, other plastic applications), paper, construction material, printing inks (offset printing, flexographic printing, other printing processes), and other application areas.
Chapter 4 examines the demand for pigments – split by the types titanium dioxide, carbon black, iron oxide, other inorganic pigments, and organic pigments.
Chapter 5 offers a useful directory of profiles of the 103 most important pigment manufacturers. It is clearly arranged according to contact details, sales, profit, product range, production sites, and profile summary. The most important manufacturers include: Venator Materials Plc, Rio Tinto Group, Heubach GmbH, Umicore SA, Merck KgaA, Lanxess AG, DIC Corporation, Pidilite Industries Limited, Clariant International Ltd. Further information:

About Ceresana
Ceresana is a leading international market research institute for the segments chemicals, plastics, industrial goods, and packaging. The company has been providing more than 10,000 customers from trade and industry in 60 countries with up-to-date analyses for over 15 years. The services of Ceresana for manufacturers, processors, and associations include customized single-client studies and more than 160 multi-client market studies.
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