Perforated heat conducting profile enables excellent sound absorption and new opportunities for Lindner Plafotherm® Heated and Chilled Metal Ceilings

showimage Perforated heat conducting profile enables excellent sound absorption and new opportunities for Lindner Plafotherm® Heated and Chilled Metal Ceilings

Lindner Group

The latest product range „Acoustics“ offers expanded opportunities for the product line Plafotherm® Heated and Chilled Metal Ceilings

The latest product range „Acoustics“ offers expanded opportunities for the product line Plafotherm® Heated and Chilled Metal Ceilings.

Due to the product name, the application of the new heating and cooling technology can easily be named. In contrast to the non-perforated heat conducting profile of „Plafotherm® B 100“, the heated and chilled ceiling „Plafotherm® B 100 Acoustics“ uses the new, perforated heat conducting profile.

Just like inactive metal ceiling systems, the acoustic transparent heat conducting profiles provide excellent sound absorption coefficients – both with and without mineral wool inlay. . Thus, e.g. a sound absorption coefficient w of 0.70 without mineral wool and even 0.80 with mineral wool will be achieved with a perforation of 20 % open area and complete distribution with heat conducting profiles. When using the perforated heat conducting profile, a cooling loss of 15 % results. However, comparing the new development with the usual heating and cooling technology with the same perforation of the ceiling panels, a 60 % higher sound absorption can be realised.

The flexible production of Lindner enables the realisation of you specific project demands. Thanks to the high vertical range of manufacture, we can optimally customise the heating and cooling coil to every ceiling panel format with or without cut-out. Every heating and cooling coil is manufactured object-related and customised. Cut-outs – e.g. for luminaires, beamer lifts or other fixtures – are individually observed at the coil manufacturing. Thus, the maximum distribution of the area resp. the maximum heating and cooling capacity can be carried into the room.

The manufacturing of our heat conducting profiles shows that Lindner Group pays special attention to an environmentally friendly production. There is little wasted material due to the order-related and customised production of the cold-rolled heat conducting profiles in our plant in Arnstorf. Furthermore, Lindner Heated and Chilled Metal Ceiling elements with powder coating, acoustic tissue and thermally conductive heating and cooling coils are classified as toxicological harmless. Tests proved that the content of VOC – volatile organic compounds – is far below the evaluation limit. Using the new heating and cooling technology, you are improving the acoustics in your room while supporting us with the environmental protection.

For more information regarding Lindner Heated and Chilled Metal Ceilings please visit our homepage

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Lindner Group
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