06, December 2014: Southeast Asia Traders (southeastasiatraders.com) today expanded its SAT InvestShares™ Core lineup with 10 equity and fixed income, designed to help long-term investors keep more of what they earn. This is the latest effort in Southeast Asia Traders’ commitment to making investing simpler, easier and more efficient for clients.
Southeast Asia Traders launched the SAT InvestShares™ Core as a branded suite of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The SAT InvestShares™ Core was designed to appeal to investors looking for a simple, low cost way to invest long-term in broad exposures in equities and bonds. Since launch, investors ranging from global institutions to retail advisors have embraced the Core and its value proposition.
Southeast Asia Traders is now expanding the SAT InvestShares™ Core to include SAT InvestShares™ Core Select – the next level of building blocks with additional options for long-term investors. The new funds provide a simplified approach with broad, diversified exposures to:
* Asia-Pacific growth, value, and dividend equities
* U.S. and Pacific equities utilizing all-cap benchmarks, from the leading global equities index provider
* Asian bond sector and a more diversified bond market exposure
Mr. Wang T. Wenbo, CEO and Chairmen Southeast Asia Traders said:
“Investors seek value for money in long-term investments especially in core broad market exposures. That’s where we are aiming to accelerate SAT InvestShares™ growth by expanding the SAT InvestShares™ Core.”
“We are now taking buy-and-hold investing up a level with greater choice and flexibility. Look for growth or value, seek to bump up your income stream, invest in Europe or Asia, or buy a bond sector – and do it easily and cost-effectively.”
About Southeast Asia Traders
Southeast Asia Traders is a financial company dedicated to offering quality services to its clients. The main factor that sets us apart from our major competitors is the experience and intelligence of our people. Our team works as a very efficient system, putting their best qualities forth so that the services we provide are second best to none. The knowledge we obtain is used to offer our clients a multitude of investment options for their needs, up-to-date information about the market fluctuations and timely advice regarding underperforming assets in their portfolios. We are a young and dynamic company founded by renowned and highly experienced financial experts.