New Mobile Friendly Website Offered Expert, Ad-Free Help with Career Choices, from Career Key

Portland, Oregon, February 11, 2014 – Career Key’s new mobile-friendly design gives smart phone and tablet users an easy to use source for high-quality advice about career choices and decision making. Career Key,, offers the only mobile friendly, advertising-free career and college major advice based on science and best practices of career counseling.

On the Career Key website, smart phone and tablet users do not need to scroll through ads or wade through text link advertising. Nearly all other commercial career advice websites contain such ads, distracting the reader. Site advertising viewed on mobile devices is sometimes hard to distinguish from the underlying content, causing confusion. Career Key avoids these problems with a clean, content focused look.

Career Key’s career assessments and self-help articles about making career and education decisions are based on established science and research. Career Key’s author is Dr. Lawrence K. Jones, a nationally recognized counseling psychologist and counselor educator. He is a National Certified Counselor and Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University.

„We wanted youth and adults to have easy access to high-quality career and education advice, even when riding the bus or sitting on their couch,“ says Juliet Wehr Jones, GCDF, J.D., Vice President of Career Key. „Choosing a career and college major can be stressful. Having casual, mobile access to our self-help articles and career assessments makes it easier for people to learn something substantive and practical. You don’t have to sit at a desk to get useful, science based tips on career decision making.“

The new mobile-friendly design also makes it easier for middle school, high school and college students to use the Career Key website. Career Key is heavily used nationwide by school counselors, career development professionals and educators. Tablets like the iPad are increasingly being used in schools, making this new design a timely enhancement to many Career Key users and customers.

The Career Key’s popular career test can be easily taken on mobile devices; however, further upgrades to the career assessment are planned for May 2014. These upgrades will add further responsive design functionality and features.

Career Key’s new design was made possible by a collaboration between Circa Consulting and Barb Rowan Design in Seattle. They worked together to successfully balance Career Key’s depth of content with the mobile user experience.

Press Contact:
Juliet Wehr Jones
The Career Key
Portland, Oregon
+1 (206) 850-6195