GPS, 3D Gyro, 3D Tilt, digital compass and acceleration sensor
The Aaronia AG presents a new miniature GPS logger with 5 additional sensors, which in addition to the GPS information also completely records altitude- / position and movement information. That has not existed in this form before.
The Aaronia GPS Logger offers a very high update rate of up to 35 complex sensor data sets per second. This enables a „Real-Time“ recording/viewing of the alignment, altitude and acceleration of the Logger in all axes (X, Y, and Z). The data can either be stored directly on the integrated micro-SD card (supported up to 4 GB) and/or transferred live via USB-streaming. The maximum data rate is about 50MB per hour (without compression). The data rate can (customized) also be adapted to reduce data volume or to extend the record time on the micro-SD card for recording over weeks and months.
Aaronia offers also PC Software for data evaluation (Windows, MAC, OS and Linux compatible). This software allows a live view of the sensor data (USB streaming) and import of log-files from the micro-SD card.
Included in the delivery is e. g. a transport case, different adapters to read the micro-SD card, PC software and a USB cable.
high-frequency measurement devices and autonomic robotics-systems.
Aaronia is an internationally operating company. Focus of the enterprise is development, trade and sale of measuring equipment, technologies and rights of low and high frequency measurement technique, robotics as well as screening/shielding of RF and E-fields and fundamental research at the segment of communications and measurement engineering, furthermore the construction of own circuitries and measuring methods in particular for the development of extreme sensitive and precise
Aaronia AG
Herr Martin Stein
Kauthenbergstr. 14
54597 Strickscheid
06556 93033
06556 93034