New Countries, New Industries, New Customers – A Positive Review of SCHEMA GmbH’s Business Year 2012

showimage New Countries, New Industries, New Customers - A Positive Review of SCHEMA GmbH's Business Year 2012

SCHEMA GmbH, XML editing system manufacturer from Nurnberg, looks back on a very successful business year 2012: New customers, new markets in new countries, new functionality – this motto succinctly describes the reasons for SCHEMA’s strong growth. SCHEMA itself grew along with its customers: The number of employees increased by more than 15%, revenue by more than 20%.

„We can look back on our most successful business year since the company’s foundation. Over 30 new customers decided to implement the content management system SCHEMA ST4. The development in the pharmaceutical industry is just as pleasing. The consistently growing SCHEMA enterprise with 95 employees now, as well as an excellent outlook for 2013, allows us to look to the future with confidence,“ says an enthusiastic Stefan Freisler, SCHEMA GmbH CEO. In the pharmaceutical industry, SCHEMA even implemented two international projects simultaneously with two global players in the area of artworks, demonstrating SCHEMA ST4’s flexibility. This impressively emphasizes that with SCHEMA ST4 many things are possible. From managing folded boxes, creating package inserts, time table information, feeding the pilot information systems of over 20 airlines, company-wide information portals with over 5000 internal users, to classic documentation solutions for engineering, to documentation for building entire steel works. In addition, a project for automatically creating training material was begun with the TÜV SÜD Akademie .
SCHEMA’s activities in Japan also showed a very positive development. Not only were two new Japanese partners acquired, SCHEMA’s customer list was extended by five new Japanese enterprise customers.
Top-class partners form the SCHEMA ST4 competency network: new customers can be won with SCHEMA partner products as well. Thus the company HEITEC AG was able to put the partner product ST4 ValiManager at Holopack Verpackungstechnik GmbH into production. The eLearning plug-in for ST4 from T3 Medien GmbH was rolled out with a further installation at Bosch Rexroth AG . GFT Prisma GmbH alone was able to win four new customers for SCHEMA ST4, among them SimonsVoss Technologies AG and Gedore Tool Center GmbH & Co. KG. Together with Hewlett Packard Consulting, SCHEMA is poised to start their third joint large project.
„The constantly growing number of customers and partners shows us that we are on the right path with our XML editing system SCHEMA ST4,“ adds Marcus Kesseler, SCHEMA GmbH’s CEO.

SCHEMA – Complex Documents Made Easy!
SCHEMA GmbH was founded in 1995 by a team of IT and documentation specialists in Nürnberg and is represented by over 95 employees in five locations.

SCHEMA“s flagship standard software is the XMLbased editing and content management system SCHEMA ST4, offering efficient features for all aspects of creating, managing, and publishing complex and large amounts of documentation. Its scalability makes it suitable for small editing teams as well as for company-wide solutions for information logistics.

The system is successfully deployed across a wide range of industries to solve problems around complex documentation: technical documentation, software documentation and help systems, labeling for pharmaceutical companies, solutions for specialized publishers, as well as contract and bid management.

SCHEMA ST4 was implemented in Microsoft. NET Framework and is easy to integrate and deploy in modern IT environments, as it supports the entire bandwidth of documentation-relevant standards (XML, XSL: FO, DITA, etc.) and boasts a wide range of interfaces (MS Office, Adobe CS, SAP, Documentum, Share- Point). SCHEMA is proud to be part of a network of renowned partners, as this enables SCHEMA to offer specialized solutions for customers.

Among the many customers already using solutions based on SCHEMA ST4 are: ABB, Agilent, Avaloq, Bosch, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft,
Carl Zeiss, Daimler, Deutsche Bundesbank, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, InterComponentWare, Lindauer DORNIER, MAN, Miele, NERO, Österreichische Bundesbahnen, Philips, Reifenhäuser, Roche Diagnostics, Schaeffler Group, Siemens, STOLL, T-Systems, Voith and Wolffkran.

Jessica Forster
Hugo-Junkers-Str. 15-17
90411 Nürnberg