Minister‐President of Bavaria Horst Seehofer visits Kolitzheim

Munich/Kolitzheim: The sun was shining brightly the day that Horst Seehofer, Minister‐President of Bavaria,
visited BELECTRIC in Kolitzheim. Together with District Administrator Harald Leitherer, Secretary of State
Gerhard Eck and further members of parliament from the region, Horst Seehofer found out about specific
advancements in research and development in photovoltaic technology and their significance for the energy
The Minister‐President of Bavaria sees BELECTRIC as an „exemplary enterprise in Bavaria“ in this undertaking.
„BELECTRIC will play a defining role in implementing the energy turnaround because the company is at home
in the global markets,“ explained the Bavarian Minister‐President to the press at the event. The participation
of economically strong and experienced companies in particular will be an important part of implementing
the actual turnaround.
In their discussions, Bavarian Minister‐President Horst Seehofer and Martin Zembsch, Managing Director at
BELECTRIC Solarkraftwerke GmbH, focused on current developments. The Minister‐President was very
enthusiastic about innovations in the area of storage technologies and network stabilisation; both fields are
seen as the key to successfully transforming how power is supplied in Germany. „With regard to doubling the
proportion of renewable energy sources in Bavaria by 2020, it is important that companies like BELECTRIC
play a significant role and assume responsibility,“ said Horst Seehofer, stressing the urgency of the challenges
to come. „The Minister‐President’s visit to BELECTRIC is important for both parties and demonstrates the
high regard for our achievements,“ said Martin Zembsch, drawing a positive conclusion from the discussions.

About BELECTRIC®: BELECTRIC is the global market leader for the development and implementation of
ground‐mounted solar power plants and roof‐mounted photovoltaic systems (EPC). At BELECTRIC, engineers
and project developers conduct interdisciplinary research in all areas of solar technology and develop
innovative technology that forms the basis for the environmentally friendly power supply of the future. The
photovoltaic systems are realized in‐house – from planning and construction through to operation. Alongside
solar power generation, the subsidiary BELECTRIC Drive® concentrates on the combination of photovoltaics
and e‐mobility.

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