MODUL University Vienna unveils new MSc in Management with a modern emphasis
A new degree program at MODUL University Vienna is offering an attractive focus on the big issues of the future: sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship, and social media are key aspects of the Master of Science (MSc) in Management at the internationally renowned private university. This positions the institution as the first Austrian private university to feature a consecutive Master degree in the area of business and management taught exclusively in English. It is aimed primarily at prospective business leaders who will make a valuable contribution to our future as members of globally operating firms and organisations that are striving to bring a socially responsible attitude to their growth and business activities.
Professionals seeking to lead companies and organisations into a successful future will need more than plain and simple business management skills. Issues like sustainable development, innovation, entrepreneurship, and interactive media will be instrumental to business success. Having established this new Master of Science (MSc) in Management, MODUL University Vienna is now the only Austrian private university to offer practical and academic education – in English – covering precisely these issues at a high level in an international context.
Education for the future
The new course of study sets itself apart from the rest of the management programs in the higher education sphere which have their curricula centred wholly on the successful management of businesses. Such a one-sided focus is understandable considering that a business’s financial performance was long considered the sole factor influencing its success. Prof. Astrid Dickinger, however, Dean of the MSc in Management program, believes that it is outdated in the 21st century for managers to concentrate on that single perspective: „The business dimension of any company operating today must be balanced with environmental and social concerns. Consequently, organisations destined to enjoy success over the long term need leaders who display interdisciplinary skills and connected, networked thinking. This is exactly what students in our MSc in Management will be learning.“
Business, society and the environment
The degree program, with its international orientation and courses held exclusively in English, will build on the comprehensive and extensive business expertise of the faculty of MODUL University Vienna. This will be complemented by an extensive range of additional learning objectives: knowledge of the economic and social sciences will be taught in the program along with an awareness of wider environmental contexts. Students will also learn about technical problem-solving methods, political decision mechanisms, legal principles, and even the psychological basis of an individual’s actions.
Graduates will have excellent prospects on the job market with this specially-tailored education under their belt. As Prof. Dickinger explains, „The businesses of tomorrow need a workforce with a sense of social responsibility and an extensive knowledge of environmental and technological issues. The challenges presented by globalisation and environmental pollution will be mastered by professionals capable of interdisciplinary thinking, who will apply the principles of sustainability to their everyday work.“ Not only that, but the rapid developments in the field of information and communications technologies (ICT) will give rise to a constant stream of new opportunities and possibilities arising within companies and organisations as well as in their interactions and networking. New start-ups emerging from within industry incumbents are also increasingly offering fresh prospects for organisations. With part of its focus spanning precisely these issues, the new MSc in Management is particularly well placed to meet the demands of the future.
Learning through research
The heavily practice-oriented nature of this degree program is ideally complemented by the internationally-renowned research that takes place at MODUL University Vienna. Insights from as many as ten research fields will be incorporated into the curriculum followed by students in the MSc in Management. Besides the university’s numerous research activities in the field of sustainable development, this also includes projects on new media interaction and the future of information systems.
International from start to finish
The overall degree program has an unmistakably international and multicultural feel and benefits from a strong international showing among the lecturers. The program’s linking of development policy matters with issues like sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship, new media, and personal development shows just how unique the syllabus is in today’s higher education market. Students can count on a high quality of education from the internationally renowned private university and will profit from the institution’s customary strengths in student support and supervision. No more than 30 candidates per semester are admitted to the program, insuring a low faculty-to-student ratio and plenty of direct interaction with academic staff. All of which serves to make the new MSc in Management offered by MODUL University Vienna a forward-looking and unique qualification for students with an international outlook.
About MODUL University Vienna (status: March 2016)
MODUL University Vienna is an international private university in Austria and is owned by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. It offers study programs (BBA, BSc, MSc, MBA and PhD programs) in the areas of international business and management, new media technology, public governance & administration and sustainable development, as well as tourism and hospitality management. The study programs meet strict accreditation guidelines and, due to their international focus, are conducted in English. The new Master of Science degree in Management is subject to accreditation by the AQ Austria. The university campus is located at Kahlenberg, in Vienna’s 19th district.
Scientific Contact:
Prof. Astrid Dickinger
MODUL University Vienna
Department of Tourism and Service Management
Am Kahlenberg 1
1190 Vienna, Austria
T +43 / 1 / 320 35 55 – 412
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