Lindner metal ceilings – modern design solutions meet efficient lighting technologies

Lindner metal ceilings guarantee unique lighting effects and individual perforations. They combine individually arranged scattered perforations with modern LED luminaries.

showimage Lindner metal ceilings - modern design solutions meet efficient lighting technologies

Lindner metal ceilings

Lindner metal ceilings guarantee unique lighting effects and individual perforations. They combine individually arranged scattered perforations with modern LED luminaries.

The times of regular, systematically arranged perforations are long gone. Instead of boring, monotonous solutions, individual and attractive perforations are in demand. That is why every conceivable Lindner metal ceiling may be furnished with a scattered perforation. We implement various perforation shapes and sizes in different arrangements – according to our customers“ demands.

Modern lighting technologies emphasize individual designs. The perforations of metal ceilings are perfectly suited to being combined with highly efficient powder LEDs. The durable LED luminaires impress with more highlights besides environmental compatibility and economic efficiency: Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies, LED luminaires are not only sophisticated design elements – they effectively illuminate the room and emit differently coloured light, if need may be.

For more information on Lindner Ceilings and Lights and Lighting systems please visit our website

Lindner – Bauen mit neuen Lösungen.

Die Lindner Group ist Europas führender Spezialist für Innenausbau, Fassadenbau und Isoliertechnik.

Gegründet 1965 im niederbayerischen Arnstorf, erbringen wir über ein internationales Netzwerk mit einer heute einzigartigen Leistungskette „Konzepte-Produkte-Service“ komplette, maßgeschneiderte Baulösungen für unsere Kunden.

Als verantwortungsbewusstes, innovatives Familienunternehmen legen wir besonderen Wert auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und setzen in der Produktion und auf den Baustellen weltweit auf zukunftsorientiertes Energiemanagement und angewandten Umweltschutz.

Lindner Group
Ingo Bofinger
Bahnhofstr. 29
94424 Arnstorf
49 (0)8723/20-27 58