Lignite Energy: Low-cost process energy from the Rhineland

showimage Lignite Energy: Low-cost process energy from the Rhineland

Plants throughout Europe already benefit from cost advantages – Universal supply under economic conditions

Cologne – Energy-intensive sectors are especially affected by the volatile commodity markets and rising costs of oil and gas. But it is not yet known in all of Europe that there is a low-cost alternative more and more plants systematically use: German lignite from the Rhenish lignite mining area.

It is marketed Europe-wide by Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB), a subsidiary of RWE Power AG, as a pulverized fuel under the product name „Lignite Energy Pulverized“. In Cologne, a sales volume of more than three million tons is expected for this year alone.

Lignite is the only important energy source on the European continent at all to be available in significant quantities for centuries to come. As an upgraded product, it is delivered by railway tank waggon or silo truck and used for a multitude of applications especially in the lime, cement and asphalt industries, but also for industrial drying processes and in the production of paper. Other important areas are agribusiness and fodder production where the low-cost fuel is successfully used for lucerne (alfalfa) drying, in particular.

RWE Power AG to further increase production capacity

To continue to be able to meet rising demand, RWE Power AG has already invested EUR40 million in an additional bowl-mill crusher, which was commissioned in July 2012. This has resulted in an increase in the existing production capacity by another 500,000 tons.

„Lignite Energy“ offers customers precisely what competitors lack: predictable prices, investment security, flexible supply and long-term availability. Owing to energy prices that keep rising over the years, RBB is meanwhile able to supply customers well beyond Germany with this versatile industrial fuel under economic conditions.

Universal supply with the inexpensive fuel is also guaranteed thanks to the dense distribution network of the RBB Group. Thus, the Czech location of Beroun, from where Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania and Hungary are supplied, serves as an important hub for Eastern Europe, while France; Benelux and Great Britain are supported from Strasbourg and Gent and the Cologne head office is the direct place of contact for customers in Germany and the Alpine region.

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Rheinbraun Brennstoff GmbH (RBB), being the subsidiary of RWE Power that is responsible for marketing Lignite Energy, is planning to sell more than three million tons of this fuel Europe-wide in this year alone, with the introduction of the new umbrella brand providing additional stimulus to sales.

Rheinbraun Benelux
Rolf Rodenkirchen
Industrieweg 14
B – 90 Wondelgem
+32 (0) 9 340 55 29