Deerfield, IL, November 11, 2014 – On November 1st, 2014, Sifu Richard Baron achieved the funding goal of a Kickstarter campaign to complete the pilot episode of his TV reality series „The Sifu: Kung Fu Redemption.“ The campaign ends November 15th, 2014 and it is still accepting contributions.
Designed to teach viewers how to turn fear and self-sabotage into confidence and success, the Kung Fu reality show has restored and taught life-altering confidence to many. „The Sifu“ was filmed to transform the lives of viewers and teach them how to overcome personal struggles through learning and applying the principles of Kung Fu.
Participants featured on the Kung Fu reality show have restored their health, wellness, balance and mojo through Kung Fu. The Sifu: Kung Fu Redemption expresses Kung-Fu principles and beliefs in an inspiring way and has been featured on CNN and in USA Today.
„Viewers of the Kung Fu reality show will learn how to transform the fear and insecurities that they have into positive energy by discovering the wisdom and hope found in Kung Fu. The Sifu: Kung Fu Redemption will be a reality show that restores stability and inner peace for the participants and viewers. It showcases individuals who have been redeemed and transformed through Kung Fu,“ Baron said.
Baron also noted, „Viewers will be inspired as they follow the transformational journey of our students, who come to us from all walks of life in an effort to traverse the path from a hurting individual to a centered, confident, balanced individual.“ He continued, „Thanks to the teaching of Kung Fu, participants are able to meet life’s constant challenges with the calmness and confidence of a warrior.“
Sifu Baron teaches Kung Fu at the Kung Fu Power Little Nine Heaven Temple of Kung Fu and Tai Chi studio, which is located outside of Chicago in Deerfield, Illinois. His students have included veterans and soldiers, post black belt martial artists, former gang members, CEOs, rock stars, and professionals. All ages and abilities are welcome at our studio.
Today, crowd-funding allows the funding of creative projects quickly and easily. Kickstarter is the most well-known crowd-funding website. The Kickstarter campaign for The Sifu: Kung Fu Redemption will run for 33 days. A link to the page can be found on
About Temple of Kung Fu and Kung Fu Power
The Temple of Kung Fu school offers both live-in and daily Kung Fu and Tai Chi Training. Sifu Richard Baron has studied martial arts for 30 years and he is a prolific Martial Arts and Chinese Healing instructor with recognition in both print and digital media. The school would be honored if readers would share their story of transformation through Kung Fu with family and friends and it thanks readers for their support.
Press Contact:
Richard Baron
KungFu Redemption
405 Lake Cook Road, Unit A3, Deerfield, IL 60015