Justin Butcher elaborated Thompson perk for Quantum pandemic!

When Jane returns she will have her own powers, with Portman confirming that her character will have „her own version“ of Thor’s powers and that she will be known as the Mighty Thor. Valkyrie’s role in the plot hasn’t yet been confirmed but one thing we do know is that she will be involved in an LGBTQ+ storyline, with Thompson saying that her character „needs to find her queen“.

As an artist living and working through the pandemic takes a certain degree of adaptation to the new environment, or temporary norm, for Kandle. “With everything being compromised now, you’ve got to do the best you can with content and visuals,” says Kandle, who pulled in director Brandon William Fletcher to create the most cinematic visuals for the “Lock & Load” video, which plays out like a short Bond film.

Batman star Christian Bale has also joined the cast as the movie’s big villain, with Feige revealing earlier this month that the actor will be playing Gorr the God Butcher. As if that wasn’t enough excitement, it has been reported that Chris Pratt will be reprising his role as Peter Quill / Star-Lord in Love and Thunder, with other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy potentially making an appearance too.

This thematic tangle is mirrored by the film’s unusually convoluted plot. The movie is set, as the title says, in 1984, 60-odd years after the events of 2017’s „Wonder Woman.“ The immortal Diana (Gal Gadot) is still grieving the death of Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), who sacrificed himself to save Earth at the end of World War I. She doesn’t date, but she does have a day job as an anthropologist while secretly saving lives and foiling crimes as Wonder Woman on the side.


