From the very beginning of its existence, the company FATH has always invested in promoting young people who just finished school, and has done the job training for a large share of its employees itself. We see this as our obligation, and at the same time, as a valuable investment.
On February, 21st, we were once again on tour on the lookout for new apprentices: At a kind of local fair in the German middle school in Roth, organized in cooperation with the job center Ansbach-Weißenburg, local companies were able to present themselves and to meet potential apprentices. Four apprentices, one trainee and the human resources representative were there on behalf of FATH. In a short presentation we introduced our company to the pupils, we informed them about the job trainings we have to offer, and we gave them valuable hints for their job applications.
In the afternoon, they had the possibility to visit our info stand to ask us questions or enter them into a list of interested persons. As a „reward“, they received the FATH job application book of etiquette.
We enjoyed it a lot and we think that we met a few interesting people, who could complete and enrich our Dreamteam in one to two years.