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Come from a revolution think that Indonesia need for business entrepreneur that will lead Indonesia economy to compete in global challenge, JDA Community provide a sharing forum for young entrepreneur to join and share their business success and build advanced economy growth in Indonesia. For long time, Indonesian people has oriented into job seeker and work under company as employee. But within in era global economy and market oriented, entrepreneur become the most logical way to make money and stand in our self to make our company. There are many potential markets that open wide in Indonesia and being success. Therefore, building a new market for product and service need for specific strategy to go to the market and reach the potential consumers. JDA Community as one community from young entrepreneur will lead you to be Pengusaha Muda Sukses that success in their work and market. They will be your partner in looking for success.
JDA Community is a Komunitas Pengusaha Muda Sukses that their member shares new inspiration, idea and motivational stories to other member that will make your started business going forward and advanced. Instead, by joining to JDA Community, you can meet with other members that will offers you partnership, business tips and suggestion, and discussion on how to make your business run well and earn money. This forum are purposed to make young people in Indonesia become the owner for their business and they can make their business compete in global market. There are many examples from the young entrepreneur that build their market and being success. The other member can learn from their inspirational success and with their advice, the forum will in your side to get your inspirational business start.
In directly, this forum is one step that has makes real movement to reduce the number of workless in Indonesia. This forum also purposed to make young people in Indonesia become young entrepreneurship that famous and bring Indonesia business to the global market. The entrepreneur that joins in this forum will learn on how they open the market for their business and how they touch the micro economy that support Indonesia growth. There is cannot deny that economy micro such as entrepreneur that has small and middle business has more contribution to the national income. As your information, the section from small and middle business is durable and strength from monetary crisis and this become the most potential business to be success.
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Press Information :
Name : Jeffrey A. Ansen
Telp : (+6221) 2965 9389
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