James McKenna – From Military Career To Crime Fictions

James McKenna has been a part of the military and served in the 9th Independent Parachute Squadron. You might well ask how come he has turned into a crime fiction writer, actually that’s not a surprise! Many of us begin with our careers and end up realizing our main call in life. For McKenna, that was to become one of our writers today who already have contributed 2 books entitled “The Unseen”, “The Uncounted” with “The Unwanted” coming on stream in 2013.

“The Unseen” talks about the murder of three women who have been linked with each other and to a computer game known as Princess Kay-ling. The investigator named DI Sean Fagan then finds out that in tracing these three cases, it leads to a fourth woman who is set to be murdered too. Eventually Fagan finally identifies the serial killer. Ironically, this man is of global influence and has induced psychotic control for the women in order to gain their trust. More of this story can be found in McKenna’s release at http://www.crimefiction-jamesmckenna.co.uk.

Next is “The Uncounted” which focuses more on crime, prostitution and forced labour. All these victimised individuals are used for fraud even to the point of organ transplant. Anyone who acts in a rebellious way will then end up being murdered; it’s nasty stuff!

And lastly highly-awaited “The Unwanted” again sees the character Sean Fagan being a member of the Serious Organised Crime Agency and is sent this time as an undercover investigator. His mission is to investigate a very powerful secret organisation who deals with removing criminals that the court can’t handle.

Now, if you are waiting for publication of “The Unwanted”, what’s new from James McKenna today is sharing his insights in writing for crime fiction found in his blog as he continues to write in the background as he prepares for his upcoming books. If you check this out, you’ll find blogs about “James McKenna looks at Forensic Geology in Crime Fiction. ‘The Devil is in the detail’ he finds.

And if you have been in search for techniques for writing for crime fiction books, he offers you one of his posts in his blog entitled “James McKenna has voices in his head; what goes through a crime writer’s mind as he writes the next novel?”.

James won’t stop sharing what he has to everyone who hangs-out online. And so you better keep posted, not only with his fresh blog posts but also his upcoming books.

You see? No matter what profession you’ve been into in the past, you can be the person you can be just like James.