Anushka Sharma has been keeping very busy with the promotions of her upcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal, jet-setting with her co-star Shah Rukh Khan in trendy outfits. But it’s not just her casual style she has been experimenting with. This bundle of energy is also trying her hands at ethnic wear and so far, she has managed to nail every single look. Fashion hawkers can take a lesson or two from her on how to style a sari, accessorise a salwar-kameez or simply wear a flared skirt with a knee-length kurti.
We love how she carried the pink and gold woven Raw Mango sari with a really simple blouse at the taping of a reality show and accessorised it with semi-heavy gold earrings from Purab Paschim.
Her hair centre-parted and pulled back into a bun added a nice touch to her look along with those mogra flowers and the tiny bindi.
Our second favourite look is of Sharma in a lovely powder blue, bell-sleeves kurta with gold motifs on it which she styled with brocade palazzo pants, resting an inch over her ankle and a pastel pink dupatta with frills on the border. The entire look from House of Kotwara is something we would definitely like to try out during a special occasion.
She complemented it well with a pair of earrings from Curio Cottage and pastel juttis from Fizzy Goblet. What we like the most is that she didn’t go for the poker straight hairstyle she has been seen sporting these days and instead styled it in beautiful waves.
Her appearance in an emerald green striped kurta which she wore with a gold intricately pleated hem skirt and a green and gold jacket, all from from Urvashi Kaur is worth a mention as well.
Here too, she picked juttis from Fizzy Goblet and earrings from Curio Cottage. Nude make-up with her signature soft pink pout rounded out the look.
The last one is a fusion where she picked a pleated metallic dress from designer Divya Gupta and added an Indian touch to it with large gold jhumkas from Purab Paschim.
Not our favourite, but she did manage to carry it off well.Read more at:black formal dresses | blue formal dresses