IVU: New operating system for HG GmbH Bischofsheim

Berlin, 6 December 2016 – From project launch to operational start in just six weeks – the Bischofsheim-based system provider HG GmbH received its new solution from IVU Traffic Technologies for ticketing, drive control and vehicle working control and settlement for the bus companies OVB, OSM and Klaus Hartmann in record time. This was made possible by IVU’s special implementation process IVU.xpress.

HG GmbH manages regional and school bus services with 25 vehicles in Bavaria’s northernmost administrative district, as part of the Rhön-Grabfeld Transport Cooperative. The recently introduced IVU.ticket.box on-board computers and the IVU.control accounting system ensure efficient operation. IVU was able to provide the entire system within six weeks thanks to IVU.xpress. IVU also took on the technical operation of the system with IVU.cloud.

The IVU.ticket.box comes complete with a display and ticket printer. It controls communication on board the vehicles and connects with the control centre. The IVU solution is also capable of displaying four-digit route numbers, something that was important for Bischofsheim. The IVU.cockpit operating system informs drivers about stops and timetable situations, among other details. HG then subsequently evaluates the sales data with IVU.control and arranges precise settlement and revenue sharing with the transport association and subcontractors. The complete system runs on IVU servers; all data for ticketing, drive control and vehicle working control as well as accounting and settlement comes directly from the IVU.cloud.

“The IVU engineers supported us comprehensively and gave us expert advice right from the start,” said Heinz Geis, director of HG GmbH. “Thanks to the coordinated approach we could configure software and hardware precisely to fit our needs and implement them in a short time period.” Dr Kerstin Wendt, the responsible division manager at IVU Traffic Technologies AG, added: “IVU.xpress incorporates experience that we have gained from several hundred projects. This means that we can cover individual requirements without additional development costs, and we can quickly roll out our products in a standardised process.”

The IVU product solutions replace multiple legacy systems at HG. Following solutions for driving operations, the company is now introducing IVU.plan for vehicle working scheduling and duty scheduling for vehicles and personnel.

PM_HG_Bischofsheim_web-300x188 IVU: New operating system for HG GmbH Bischofsheim
Thanks to IVU.xpress, HG GmbH from Bischofsheim in Bavaria received its new operating system from IVU Traffic Technologies AG within six weeks (Image: fotoliaanjak / Fotolia)

Press contact:
Dr Stefan Steck
Corporate Communications
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88, 12161 Berlin, Germany
T +49.30.85906-386

IVU Traffic Technologies AG has been working for 40 years with more than 400 engineers to ensure punctual and reliable transport in the world’s metropolises. In growing cities, people and vehicles are constantly on the move – a logistical challenge that calls for intelligent and secure software systems. The integrated standard products of the IVU.suite work to plan, optimise and control the deployment of buses and trains, provide passengers with real-time information, create routes for parcel delivery services, and support businesses in choosing branch locations.