Isagenix Reveals a New Youth Pill that Will Reverse Aging

Chandler, AZ USA , January 2, 2013 – Isagenix has recently announced a new product called Product B. Product B is a health supplement that has recently emerged. This health supplement can reverse the aging process that takes over almost every part of the body.

The Reason We Age

The reason we age is simple. The reason we age is because our cells divide and our Telomeres become shorter. Product B is available with antioxidants plus Telomere support.

A Testimonial

Individuals using Product B have started to call it “Youth in a Bottle” because that is exactly what it is. Stacy Cartright, a woman who has been taking the formula for over a year is convinced that Product B has made her feel younger. When she was 40, she felt like she was 50 and now, since she has taken Product B, she is 45 and feels like she is 30. The anti-aging health benefits of this product is obviously amazing.

One Side Effect Reported

To date, there is only one side effect – you lose weight. To many, losing weight is a good side effect. Here is a product that will not only reverse aging, but also help with weight loss. While the human population may never be able to fully stop aging, there are various things we can do in order to stop the aging process from happening too soon. Now that Product B has made itself readily available; many individuals have started to take it in order to stop aging.

For additional information, readers can watch these two videos:

Video One

Video Two

About Isagenix

Isagenix Product is dedicated to introducing healthy pills that will help slow the process of aging in the human body.

Company Contact : Jerry Moore
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Company Phone : 510-378-3525