Human physical therapy has been recognized worldwide as a very successful adjunct to recovering from injuries and surgery for many, many years. The results of human physical therapy are so obvious and well documented that it only makes sense to apply these same principals to our canine friends. Majority of patients, after undergoing a severe injury or surgery, are advised by their doctor to seek out physical therapy to regain comfort and mobility and to relieve pain. Senior citizens receive physical therapy every day for strengthening weak muscles, re-developing balance, improving joint range of motion and for supervised exercise and weight reduction programs.
Just because your animal cannot tell you in a language we all understand that they feel weak and sore and that it hurts to move, doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Many animal owners think that as long as the animal is not yelling in pain or unable to walk, then it must be ok. What we need to remember is that animals are incredibly stoic, much more so than we are. That doesn’t mean they aren’t hurting just as much. Oftentimes they are. But being the amazing creatures that they are, they rarely complain.
Most of us don’t even realize how much an elderly animal has been struggling as the changes have come on slowly over the years. It isn’t until we start bodywork and all our other modalities that we see how much soreness and tightness are locked in their old muscles. In many cases, once we start fixing some of these age-related problems, our animals’ personalities often change dramatically. They start playing more, rushing to greet you at the door after months or even years of not getting up when you come home, nudging you to give them the massages that you are learning how to give from your canine rehabilitation practitioner, grabbing the leash and looking at you hopefully for a walk, etc. features dog food supplements, dog vitamins and various other products that help the pets stay healthy as they grow older. The company has also provided an online platform for pet owners and experts to discuss issues concerning the senior pets.
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