Hatch recently acquired North America’s leading project house
in the energy sec-tor, Acres, and has formed an alliance with the
highly-rated energy service provider, Sargent & Lundy, both of
which has allowed Hatch to expand its engineering capabilities in
the hydropower, gas and coal power, as well as in the nuclear
divisions of the energy sector.
Through this acquisition, Hatch-Acres is involved in various
energy-related projects in North Amimpact rock crusher equipment refurbishederica and the Middle East.
Middle East Hatch-Acres has been providing engineering for the
proposed Karun river hydroelectric devel-opments that wstone crushing equipment manufacturers in canadaill use the
300-m drop over a river length of about 100 km above the reservoir
of an existing dam. The Karun River is one of the few concrete repair around coal crusherremaining
sources of hydroelectric power in the Middle East. The dams will
harness the power potential and provide potential storage and river
regulation, which will permit the development of irrigation for
more than 100 000 ha of land. The project comprises a 205-m-high
arch dam and spillway facilities designed to handle flood flows of
22 350 m3 a second. Flows for power generation are conveyed through
power tunnels, which are about 700 m long and vary in size from
12,6 m to 5 m in diameter.
The underground powerhouse will have a total installed capacity of
3 000 MW.
North America In North America, Hatch-Acres won the 2004 Schreyer
Award for the most outstanding technical project, the restart of
Bruce Power’s A Units 3 and 4 in Ontario, Canada.
The joint venture will again participate in the restarts of Bruce A
Units 1 and 2.
Restarting the units will boost Bruce Power’s output to more
than 6 200 MW, making it the source of 25% of Ontario’s
electricity on an average day.
The eight units at Bruce will supply the annual power needs of more
than four-million homes.