Park Opening Hintertux

showimage Park Opening Hintertux Park Opening 2013

4th to 6th of October 2013. Hintertux Glacier. Winter season kicks off at Europe“s most popular snow park opening!

The objective is clear: Recharge your superpowers during the first opening of the year and start the season stronger than ever! Over three days you can polish your riding skillz and Superrooster – the rooster made of steel – has to accomplish his missions at many venues: Betterpark Hintertux, Test Area and Special Obstacle Fernerhaus, Tux Center, Hintertux parking lot and Hohenhaus Tenne. At all times of day and night Superrooster fights to stay in control of the vast variety of action:
„The Real Steel Deal“ for all Opening visitors: Choose the perfect stick for this winter from the hottest boards of the season – all available for free testing. From Friday until Sunday the Betterpark Hintertux will be open for all brave superheroes – save for one hour on Saturday, when the „Hotzone Session of the Dudes“ goes down. Anyone can take part in this battle, if they think they have enough superpower to challenge experienced pros like Marco Feichtner, Seppe Smits, Marko Grilc, Werni Stock, Steve Gruber, Wolle Nyvelt or Peter König.

For the first time, adidas Snowboarding is an Opening partner. They lure pros and ams to take part in the „adidas Jersey Jam“ on a special obstacle in front of the Fernerhaus. There will be one battle each opening day.

On Saturday afternoon all shred-addicted superheroes gather in the Hintertux parking lot. They will show off their superpowers at the bomb drop into the Original Bag Jump and entertain themselves at one of the many surrounding booths. As Thursday is a public holiday in Germany, the test area will already open a number of brands to the public.

The ultimate evening adventures will also kick off on Thursday afternoon in the Hohenhaus Tenne in Hintertux. Themed „Après-Ski for Snowboarders“ the party features Opening veteran DJ NLP playing hot beats from 5 o“clock. Afterwards, he will keep the crowd going at the Pre Warm Up Party at Tux1 (begin: 10.30pm). On Friday the Pirate Crew rushes to the scene to fight evil powers from the Tux Center. Blu-Ray energy particles will beam the latest Pirate flick „Distorted Reality“ onto the screen. The Pirates have announced to show up with the entire crew in Hintertux – including all pros and both producers Basti Balser and Flo Eckhart. Afterwards the energy level will be raised through party music radiation and flashing lights. Visitors can choose from two venues: Shred Warmu Up Party at Kleine Tenne and Pirate Party at Gletscherspalte.

The big party showdown, called Analog Opening Night, goes down on Saturday night at Hohenhaus Tenne in Hintertux. Superrooster is in close contact with some of his superhero friends. It has yet to be announced who will spin the tunes, but judging from preceding years, only real beat heroes with certified party skills will be invited to perform in Hintertux.
More about Europe“s most popular snow park opening at .


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