HANOVER TRADE FAIR 2013: ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG and AUTARK Institute jointly present the „HolzStrom“ research project

showimage HANOVER TRADE FAIR 2013: ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG and AUTARK Institute jointly present the "HolzStrom" research project

Presentation of the „Power from waste wood“ energy concept at the joint North Rhine Westphalia stand from 08 to 12 April 2013

Dahlem-Schmidtheim. – For the third time ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG is joining forces with the Autark Institute at the state of North Rhine Westphalia stand at the Hanover trade fair, where from 8 to 12 April 2013 the institute will be presenting the research networks it supports. The focus will be on the generation of electricity from wood. Covering a range of producers leading scientists and engineers will be providing an overview of the use of wood for energy purposes and presenting the latest technology and innovative concepts for generating power as well as providing heating and cooling in the small to medium output category.

The first „HolzStrom“ (wood electricity) installation which is fuelled by wood chippings and green waste has already been set up and will in future provide electricity and heating to the entire premises of Entrade Energiesysteme AG at Schloss Schmidtheim in the Eifel municipality of Dahlem.

As the initiator and member of the „HolzStrom“ network ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG promotes the ongoing development of wood gasification power stations in the range below one megawatt. The targets are optimising processes for small-scale biomass gasification for the purpose of generating electricity and heating, as well as the development of products in the field of combined heat and power (CHP) on the basis of innovative advanced technology.

The „HolzStrom“ network was established more than two years ago in Bad Münstereifel and is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology as part of the „Central innovation in Medium-sized Companies (ZIM)-NEMO“ programme. Its members currently include around 20 companies, universities and public research institutes throughout Germany. Among them are RWTH Aachen, the Technical University of Zittau/Görlitz, the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT in Oberhausen and the North Rhine Westphalia Energy Research Cluster. The aim of the research networks is to help promising technological approaches for producing energy from regenerative sources to reach the stage where they can be marketed.

The AUTARK Institute and ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG at the „Integrated Industry“ 2013 HANOVER TRADE FAIR from 08 to 12 February: Hall 27, Stand E60, joint North Rhine Westphalia stand.

Die Entrade-Gruppe hat sich auf die Entwicklung und den Betrieb von Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme auf Basis von Biomasse und selektierten Roh- und Abfallstoffen spezialisiert. Als Finanzierungspartner des renommierten AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung, das auch im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie tätig ist, werden innovative Energiekonzepte zur Marktreife gebracht. Darüber hinaus werden auf internationaler Ebene modulare Kleinkraftwerke auf Basis eines breit gefächerten Reststoff-Sortiments betrieben.

Eingebettet in ein in Deutschland in dieser Form einzigartiges Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsnetzwerk unter Leitung des AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz investiert Entrade in ethisch verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltig ausgerichtete Energieversorgungskonzepte. Das Unternehmen versteht sich dabei als Mittler zwischen innovationsfreudigen Startups und langfristig orientierten Investoren.

Weitere Informationen zum Firmenkonzept auch im Internet unter www.entrade.de

Entrade Energiesysteme AG
Suk-Wan Shon
Hubertus Str. 6
53949 Dahlem-Schmidtheim
02447 2181000