Ghana: an important hub for West Africa

showimage Ghana: an important hub for West Africa

Source: VDMA, Graph: fairtrade

agrofood West Africa is the new market place for agriculture and the food processing industry

A GDP growth of over 7 per cent, political stability, transparency and eco-friendliness make Ghana a favourite of the international donors‘ community and an important hub for West Africa. Agriculture and food processing industry attract more and more private and public investment. Against this backdrop the trade fair specialist fairtrade Messe launch agrofood West Africa. The 1st International Trade Show on Agriculture & Livestock, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality is scheduled to be held from 3 to 5 December 2013 at the Accra International Conference Centre in Accra, Ghana.

Among the ECOWAS-The Economic Community of West African States as a regional group of 15 West African countries, Ghana has developed into a „Donor darling“ of the international giver community. This success is founded on political and economic stability. Further Ghana belongs to the out-performers in Subsahara-Africa, with gdp-growth rates of considerably more than 7 per cent (ECOWAS average: 5%). This growth is driven by divert industry sectors. Private investments into the branches oil and gas, mining, agriculture, food processing industry, retailing and energy as well as public investment into infrastructural projects made Ghana an important hub for foreign companies for West Africa. (Source: GTAI – Wirtschaftstrends Ghana 2012/13, January 2013)

The agriculture and food processing industry of West African benefit from growing population figures and increasing private consumption. In Ghana this trend is also been reflected in investments into the construction of shopping malls and into the food processing and food packaging industry. According to VDMA-The German Engineering Association, West Africa imported agricultural machinery and equipment, in 2011, at a volume of 167.9 million Euros, after 135.4 million Euros in 2010. This marks an increase of 24.0%. Imports of food processing and packaging machinery and equipment, in 2011, have increased to 567.4 million Euros, compared to 341.3 million Euros in 2010, a plus of 66.2%. It is not least these figures why the experts of the branch have an optimistic view. „I am convinced: in 10 years from now we will witness the great Africa boom. By then, for us working in the field of packaging technology, business-wise the continent will play a similarly important role as Asia does today,“ claims Friedbert Klefenz, President of Bosch Packaging Technology and Chairman of the board of the packaging machinery sector within VDMA.

The trade fair specialist fairtrade Messe recognized this potential and launch agrofood West Africa. The 1st International Trade Show on Agriculture & Livestock, Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology and Food, Beverages & Hospitality is scheduled to be held from 3 to 5 December 2013 at the Accra International Conference Centre in Accra, Ghana. According to Martin März, Managing Director with fairtrade, agrofood West Africa targets to become the leading regional west-African trade show in the field of agriculture and food processing. „Like „iran agrofood“, the trade show will be the place-to-be for buyers from West Africa as well as technology leader from Europa, Asia and America,“ states März. Two decades of experience in organising trade fairs in the field of „agrofood“ and a strong institutional partner AHK, Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana make these targets realistic.

To create valuable synergies for exhibitors and visitors alike, agrofood West Africa is held in conjunction with printpackplast West Africa, the 1st International Trade Show on Plastics, Composites, Chemistry and Printing & Packaging Solutions and Material.

fairtrade Messe und Ausstellungs GmbH & Co KG
Seit ihrer Gründung 1991 zählt die fairtrade Messegesellschaft zu den führenden Veranstaltern internationaler Fachmessen in den aufstrebenden Märkten Osteuropas, des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens und Nordafrikas. Als inhaber-geführtes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Heidelberg verfügt fairtrade über ein weltweites Netz von Partnern und Repräsentanten. fairtrade ist ISO 9001:2008 zertifiziert. Als UFI-Mitglied organisiert fairtrade Messen nach den UFI Qualitätsnormen.

About fairtrade:
fairtrade ranks among the leading organizers of professional international trade fairs in the emerging markets of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North Africa ever since its foundation in 1991. Headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, fairtrade maintains a powerful network of agencies and partnerships throughout the world while focusing on achieving an ever higher degree of customer satisfaction, providing excellent service and generating valuable business contacts for exhibitors and trade visitors alike. ISO 9001:2008 certified and as a member of UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, fairtrade organizes events according to the UFI quality norms.

fairtrade Presse
Dominik Rzepka
Kurfuersten Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 456522

fairtrade Messe
Dominik Rzepka
Kurfürsten Anlage 36
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 456522