Logan, UT, December 17, 2013 – Juniper Systems has recently introduced its new Complete Care service plans, providing substantial benefits above and beyond its Standard Manufacturers Warranty. The company points to customer requests as the prime driver in offering this new service option for their rugged handhelds.
Complete Care is comprised of two levels of service plans: Gold, and the more comprehensive Platinum. On top of what the Standard Warranty covers, the Gold plan adds additional benefits and coverage, including normal wear and tear coverage and significantly shorter repair times with expedited return shipping. Above that, the Platinum plan provides all the benefits of the Gold plan, plus accidental damage coverage, even faster repair times, a loaner unit option during repair, more personalized service, and several other valuable benefits.
According to a recent Juniper Systems blog post, rugged handhelds are similar to a luxury vehicle. While they are made with the highest quality materials and excellent craftsmanship, they are still subject to natural wear over time, as well as accidents. Read their blog post about Complete Care here: http://bit.ly/J7dVjr.
After receiving many customer requests for an inexpensive, convenient handheld repair plan, we created Complete Care, said Harlyn Oman, Director of Customer Service at Juniper Systems. With two levels of service, Complete Care is intended to take the worry and hassle out of peoples jobs, because even though our handhelds are made of the utmost quality, it doesnt mean theyre impervious to wear and tear or accidental damage. Our Complete Care plans make repairs easy and fast so theres less downtime and less cost to the customer.
Complete Care plans may be purchased in one, three, or five-year increments, with more value added when purchased concurrently with a new handheld.
Learn more about Juniper Systems new Complete Care plans by visiting their website at http://bit.ly/JaMmpq or by contacting them at 435.753.1881.
About Juniper Systems:
Based out of Logan, UT, USA and Birmingham, UK Juniper Systems designs and manufactures rugged handheld computers and provides field data collection solutions for use in extreme environments. Since 1993, Juniper Systems has provided innovative mobile technology to natural resources, public works, geomatics, agriculture, industrial, and military markets. For more information on Juniper Systems products, please visit http://www.junipersys.com.
Press Contact:
Kirk Earl
Juniper Systems, Inc.
Logan Utah, 84321
+1 (435) 753-1881