Fumes to Fertilizer: Smart Gas Purification Makes Fertilizer From Industrial Emissions

Netherlands First Market World-wide for Novel Adsorption Technology


Pasching (Austria), 1st Dezember 2021. An efficient process for producing fertilizer from industrial emitted nitrogen oxides will be launched for the first time in The Netherlands. Based on an adsorption technology developed by the Austrian company Krajete GmbH, the proprietary technology has been previously optimized and tested together with large European car manufacturers. A maintenance free filter made of an aluminium silicate mineral forms the heart of the technology. It efficiently binds nitrogen oxides so that they can be collected with little effort and be used to produce fertilizers for agriculture.


A booming industry means billows of fumes and harmful emissions. Although CO2 currently takes center stage in that context, nitrogen oxides (NOx) are just as harmful. Not only are they a significant source of particulate matter, but additionally they contribute to climate change via their conversion into ozone. For their reduction many sophisticated and complex technologies have been developed. A much simpler and more efficient way has been developed by the Austrian Krajete GmbH together with renown European car manufacturers. Now its adsorption technology will be optimized for the use at large industrial plants – and be used as base for nitrogen fertilizer production.


Waste to Value

The extensively tested technology is based on an adsorber made from aluminium silicate mineral. Under certain physical conditions the material easily binds NOx due to an inherent chemical affinity. “But this bonding is weak”, explains Alexander Krajete, CEO of Krajete GmbH, “and that’s the advantage of our technology. Due to that, bound nitrogen oxide can be easily released from the adsorber. Heat and negative pressure are enough for harvesting the valuable raw material in high concentration. Perfect and ready to use for fertilizer production.”


The enormous potential of this “waste to value“-concept has been realized by a company from The Netherlands. Second only to the USA, the highly industrialized country is the largest agricultural export nation in the world. In consequence it suffers large amounts of NOx emissions, but has also a huge need for fertilizers. Ideal circumstances for TransitionHERO B.V., to optimize the technology of Krajete GmbH for the use in large industrial plants. The company offers commercial enterprises guidance on their way to more sustainable processes and provided such services amongst others to Coca-Cola, Eneco and DSM. “In the Netherlands, billions of euros worth of investments are currently on hold, because companies cannot obtain permits due to NOx emissions”, says Stef Clevers, Director of TransitionHERO. “For one of our clients, we are dealing with gas flows of 50,000 m3/h at a NOx concentration of 200 mg/m3.“


Flexible Form

For such amounts of NOx, the volume and shape of the existing adsorber-design needs to be changed. That is easily done, as Alexander Krajete explains: “Our patent-protected know-how is an in-depth understanding of the aluminium silicate’s characteristics. This mineral is formed into small spheres and thus can fill structures of any shape. That allows us to form the adsorber in exactly that size and geometry that is required by an individual customer. Chimney or exhaust – we adsorb everywhere.” Indeed, the wide range of possible applications has already raised interest from companies in the USA and the UK.


Besides its flexibility, the adsorber technology of the Krajete GmbH hugely benefits from the possibility to release bound and thus concentrated NOx. Due to this, NOx can be used as raw material for other purposes such as fertilizer production as planned by TransitionHERO. To this end a downstream part will be added to the adsorber. Here hot gas will be used to release the bound NOx and water vapour will react with it to synthesize chemicals for nitrogen fertilizer production (nitrous acid and/or nitric acid). A process that can be performed regular without interruption of the industrial activity. “It is a great advantage that our adsorber technology is very robust and maintenance free”, adds Alexander Krajete. “Both we proved together with several large car manufacturers in field trails in Germany and the Czech Republic. Just a few hours’ maintenance in 1,5 year makes our technology especially attractive for industry.”


But the potential of the adsorber material developed by the Krajete GmbH goes way beyond the binding and concentrating of NOx. Intensive activities of the company now focus on extending this binding ability of the material to other – also climate relevant – gases. With encouraging results already.


Photos available at https://www.krajete.com/unternehmen/facilities/; higher-definition images on request


About Krajete GmbH (updated: December 2021)

The Pasching-based company specializes in two core business: A) Air purification and exhaust gas cleaning aimed at removing nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and volatile organic components (VOC, or fine particulates) from small and large emission sources (including exhausts and chimneys). B) Direct use of CO2 to produce methane by means of gas fermentation using specific microorganisms from the archaea domain

Creating a closed material cycle with the highest possible level of energy efficiency is the overarching focus of the company’s activities.


About TransitionHERO (updated: December 2021):

As Greentech Engineers we believe in Green Technology as a solution for delivering positive impact to climate change and transforming the industry into something better. We support industries and startup companies, to turn ideas into sustainable installations. We love the challenge of growing green technologies to create impact. Our creativity and professional experience, combined with our algorithmic solutions, are key to our approach.


Contact Krajete GmbH:

Dr. Alexander Krajete

Prinz Eugen Str. 66

4061 Pasching, Austria

T +43 699 172 668 20

E info@krajete.com

W http://www.krajete.com


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