European University Alliance E³UDRES²: First Steps to Make European Regions Smarter & Sustainable

The “Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions” (E³UDRES²) stages hackathon with real life challenges from European regions


St. Pölten (Austria), 23rd September 2021: Make bio-waste collection more efficient, improve the safety of urban traffic or conserve soil and water in agriculture – these are just three of the challenges students and citizens across Europe can address during the first hackathon by E3UDRES2. At the center of the hackathon, which takes place in a virtual setting from 23 to 24 September 2021, are real life problems submitted by private and public organizations from small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments in six European countries. Teams coming from various backgrounds together with experienced mentors will have exactly 36 hours to address the given challenges and work on innovative and smart solutions. By staging this online event, E3UDRES2 will contribute to developing innovative ecosystems for medium-sized cities and their rural surroundings in Europe and help them become smart and sustainable regions.


The European University Alliance E3UDRES2, which is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Commission, pools the intellectual capacities and infrastructure of six higher education institutions across Europe plus nine associated partners from the industry and public sector. It aims to co-create a European multi-university campus that will act as a source of smart and sustainable innovations for small or medium-sized towns and their surrounding rural areas. In doing so, E3UDRES2 will contribute to the European Education, Research and Innovation Area. A first energetic step towards this aim by E3UDRES2 is the forthcoming “Hack2Change” hackathon 2021, an event at which people work together online for full 36 hours (24/7) and develop solutions for real-life problems presented by organizations from different regions across Europe.


Hannes Raffaseder, Project Leader & Chief Research and Innovation Officer at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria) comments: “Our E³UDRES² hackathon will get novel ideas and clever solutions for real life problems to companies and public organizations that are in need for innovation. When it comes to regional cities and rural areas, this is exactly what E3UDRES2 is all about.” In fact, the event focuses on topics that are at the heart of a sustainable and smart future, such as circular economy, wellbeing & active ageing and human contribution to artificial intelligence. Companies and public organizations have already approached E3UDRES2 with challenges they would like to see addressed.


One of these is ProfiKomp Inc., a Hungarian specialist for the management of biodegradable waste. The company challenges the participants of the hackathon to come up with unorthodox ideas and creative solutions for a more efficient collection of biodegradable waste. Guided by the experienced mentors of the six higher education institutions that form E3UDRES2, the participants will grind their teeth into this challenge and will come up with ideas within 36 hours of discussions, modelling, fun and learning. Other challenges include aspects of traffic safety or managing natural resources in agriculture.


Hannes Raffaseder explains: “ProfiKomp exemplifies very well what we are aiming for with E3UDRES2 – a small-to-medium enterprise from a town with just over 30.000 inhabitants in Hungary, a country with a population of just under 10 millions. It is to organizations, towns and countries like these that we want to bring innovation, ideas and smart solutions.” Those ambitions are well represented by the six higher education institutions that comprise E3UDRES2 and that represent 55.700 students, 7.300 staff and 43 faculties from six countries. Namely these institutions are: the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria), the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (Portugal), the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hungary), the UC Leuven-Limburg UAS (Belgium), the Politehnica University Timișoara (Romania) and the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia).


Together as E3UDRES2 the institutions aim to establish joint degrees and modules, research groups, living labs, innovation centers as well as pools of experts and open resources. “We also will engage in activities that promote open and engaged knowledge exchanges that contribute and interact with regional communities”, adds Hannes Raffaseder. “And our first-ever hackathon is an exciting and entertaining opportunity to be part of this.”


More information and the full program to “Hack2Change”, the E³UDRES² Hackathon 2021:

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Contact E3UDRES2

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Raffaseder

CEO | Chief Research and Innovation Officer

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Matthias Corvinus-Straße 15

3100 St. Pölten / Austria

T: +43/2742/313 228 616

M: +43/676/847 228 616



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