ENTRADE Group acquires Agnion Energy Inc.

showimage ENTRADE Group acquires Agnion Energy Inc.

International investors transfer their shares to North Rhine Westphalian generator of electricity from wood

The ENTRADE Group is buying all the shares in Agnion Energy Inc. from their existing owners. These are three international venture capital companies and the largest US corporation in the waste management field, which are withdrawing from their investment after the initial phase in which the technology company was founded and built up. After restructuring operations have been completed Agnion Energy will be integrated into Entrade Energiesysteme AG.

In May 2013 ENTRADE reached an agreement to acquire the shares held by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Wellington Partners, Munich Venture Partners and Waste Management, which had previously together invested EUR35 million in the start-up company. It was also agreed that the purchase price would remain confidential.

Agnion is a leading supplier in the field of generating electricity and heating from solid biomass. The company has its head office in Pfaffenhofen, Bavaria, with a branch in Bolzano. The core technology involved was devised 10 years ago at the Technical University of Munich, and then developed for the market as the ‚Heatpipe Reformer‘ (HPR) by Agnion together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Karl, Professor of Energy Process Engineering at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and his team. The product enjoys all-round protection from more than 30 patents.

Technology transfer and synergies in wood gasification

Explaining the benefits provided by the process Julien Uhlig, CEO of ENTRADE Energiesysteme AG, states: „For the first time the technology developed by Agnion enables biomethane to be generated from solid biomass and then to be fed into the natural gas grid,“ adding: „We expect it to offer us technology transfer and synergies with our own production engineering for the decentral generation of electricity and heating on the basis of biomass, selected raw materials and waste.“

Currently the company has concrete plans for more than 20 locations in Germany and Italy.

For more information please see www.entrade.de

Die Entrade-Gruppe hat sich auf die Entwicklung und den Betrieb von Anlagen zur Erzeugung von Strom und Wärme auf Basis von Biomasse und selektierten Roh- und Abfallstoffen spezialisiert. Als Finanzierungspartner des renommierten AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung, das auch im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie tätig ist, werden innovative Energiekonzepte zur Marktreife gebracht. Darüber hinaus werden auf internationaler Ebene modulare Kleinkraftwerke auf Basis eines breit gefächerten Reststoff-Sortiments betrieben.

Eingebettet in ein in Deutschland in dieser Form einzigartiges Forschungs- und Wissenschaftsnetzwerk unter Leitung des AUTARK Instituts für Energieforschung an der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz investiert Entrade in ethisch verantwortungsvolle und nachhaltig ausgerichtete Energieversorgungskonzepte. Das Unternehmen versteht sich dabei als Mittler zwischen innovationsfreudigen Startups und langfristig orientierten Investoren.

Weitere Informationen zum Firmenkonzept auch im Internet unter www.entrade.de

Entrade Energiesysteme AG
Hendrik van Ritter
Hubertus Str. 6
53949 Dahlem-Schmidtheim
02447 2181000