Identifying needs | Developing Enterprise Apps and a Mobile Device Management | Writing Successful Roadmaps | Maintaining Data Security | Solving Real Problems
June 23 – 24, 2014 | Berlin, Germany |
“You really tickled my brain. Love it.”
Ari Haaparanta, Kemira Oyj, Finland
we.CONECT’s Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution now become one of the leading conferences for strategic approaches and challenges in the field of the connected world: with smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices people are able to communicate everywhere and to inform themselves anytime – not only in their private environment but also in mobile enterprises. The Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution 2014 is the perfect opportunity for you to share experiences and discuss the latest technology revolution trends with your peers and consultants.
What Can You Expect @ Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution 2014?
The Enterprise APP & MDM Evolution will mainly focus on the following topics:
Unfolding Business and Use Cases for an Effective App-Strategy in the Mobile Enterprise
- Enterprise Apps and MDM as an essential part of Enterprise Mobility
- Defining the aims: Why is a (Service-) app necessary after all? In which departments can it be of use (e.g. Management, Marketing, Sales, Production, Maintenance, Logistics, Controlling, HR)
- Defining the strategy for a successful project execution: A step-by-step-guidance for Conception, Planning, Implementation of a enterprise app and a MDM
- Evaluating the customer needs to find the best user experience for your enterprise service apps and MDM
- Defining the Strategic Framework for an Efficient Use of Apps in Plant Engineering and Construction
Construction and Processes: App Development and (global) Roll-Out
- Project execution and challenges while a vision comes true: Using Apps everywhere in the company
- The human factor: How to get employees to use the new (service-)app as a part of the mobile workplace
- Enterprise app stores: Setting the scene
- Integrating Enterprise Systems with Mobile Apps Through the Cloud
- How to achieve more flexibility and less complexity with using Middleware or embedded modelling tools: The PayPal Approach
- BYOD in a global company: Risks and challenges, pitfalls and success stories
Implementing an effective Mobile Device Management (MDM)
- What comes after the App is developed? How to create an efficient MDM Strategy to secure a mobile workplace
- How to integrate apps in an existing IT-landscape and manage them with an effective MDM
- Develop a service App and use a MDM with different platforms (iOS, Android etc.) to come to effective results
- Integrating Enterprise Systems with Mobile Apps and MDM through the Cloud
Security and Data Protection
- Security Protocols and Fail-save-modes: How to keep one step ahead of new threats
- Human awareness: How to train your employees in regard to data security
- Using apps in the field of (predictive) Maintenance? Practical or high risk?
- mplementation of a mobile platform in a global acting bank: How to maintain security at all costs
“Very thought provoking sessions that are facilitated in a unique manner
to surface deep dilemmas and open the mind to very lateral solutions.”
Adrian Seiler, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd, Switzerland
An excerpt from the international panel of speakers of the Enterprise App Revolution 2014:
- Lufthansa Systems AG / Germany | Dr. Jörg Liebe | CIO
- Credit Suisse AG / Switzerland | Domenico Lorenzelli | Vice President Information Technology, Integration Architecture KGQI 1 & Darren Crocker | Vice President & Global Lead for Enterprise Mobile Consulting
- Stora Enso / Finland | Wolfgang Lenzen | Director IT
- Bombardier Transportation GmbH / Germany | Joel Goodling | Head of IS Architecture
- Air France / France | Gregor Baues | Chief Architect Application Infrastructure
What else can you expect from the Enterprise App Revolution 2014?
- 20+ Case Studies
- Icebreaker Sessions at the Eve of the Conference
- 4 World Café Sessions
- 4 Challenge Your Peers Roundtables
- Developer‘s Lounge
- Business Peers
- Strategy Tracks
- Best Practice Tracks
- Solution Studies
- Dinner and Evening Reception
Quantify of the Enterprise App Revolution 2013
- More than 80 Participants from over 50 countries from all over Europe discussed strategic approaches to the handling and management of enterprise app management!
- 26 Case Studies presented by companies such as Schindler Informatik AG, Lufthansa Systems AG, ABB Turbo Systems, SANITAS S.A., Volkswagen AG, T-Venture Holding GmbH and many more.
- This conference was rated on a scale from 1 to 5 with an average of 4,6 by 84% of participants, where 5 stands for the highest and 1 the lowest
- 4 World Cafés, 6 Challenge Your Peers Roundtables, a wonderful evening reception and an eventful Icebreaker Session on the eve of the conference
- 5 leading Business Partners presented cutting-edge product-solutions, services and technologies: Axway GmbH, Platinion GmbH, Digital White, Adobe Systems Deutschland GmbH and Accenture GmbH.
“A lot of mobility knowledge brought together in one conference.
Very valuable acquaintances for fruitful cooperation in the future.”
Michael Eitenbichler, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Germany
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Enterprise App Revolution 2014 from June 23 – 24, 2014 in Berlin!
Alexander Sladczyk
Sales Director
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Gertraudenstr. 10-12
10178 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 – 24