ElderPair – Travel, new experiences and getting involved

showimage ElderPair - Travel, new experiences and getting involved

Elderpair – Involvement everywhere

Ready for a change and itchy feet? Host families around the globe are looking for you.

Many elder citizens with itchy feet dream of new experiences in life, somthing different from what they live at home. An unknown country, different people, a bit of adventure would be welcome.
They want to see a bit more of the world or revisit countries they had know, some 20 or 40 years ago, when they had worked or studied there. Maybe they had just visited these countries as simple tourists and are curious to see now what had become of them.

A new website, ElderPair, offers the chances to go off at very low costs and do some travel.
So if you are „elder“, around 50, 60 years or older (maybe younger as well?) – pensioned off already or living comfortably on what you have saved in life, and feel that something is still missing, why not look for a place to stay, a nice family in Australia, in Thailand, in Latin America, whereever?

Families anywhere and everywhere around the globe are looking for assistance, to take care of the children, to walk the dog, feed the chickens or bear company to the grandma, who feels lonely and just needs someone to talk to.
Families would be happy to find someone reliable and mature to offer these small services in exchange for board and lodging, maybe even more.
You may be useful in many fields, depending on you professional life and the knowledge and skills you have gained.
Maybe you know PCs well and could give lessons or do some network job in the company of your host. Or you teach some English or whatever your mother tongue is.
Charities, volunteer services and others may also be interested as well in you, because they need experteers and advisers.

So why not try? If you got time then register and see what´s in store for you at

ElderPair brings together elder people who want to see a bit of the world and others, families, NGOs, charities, volunteer organisations and similar.
The principle is a cultural exchange, learning and teaching, giving and taking.
Elder people can offer so much to you …

Bildrechte: Fotolia Bildquelle:Fotolia

Verlag und Betreiber diverser Reiseseiten und Jugendportale. Gründung 1984 mit dem Schwerpunkt des Buchprogramms auf Sachthemen wie Jobs, Praktika, Aupair, Freiwilligendiensten.
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