elcom Rossija highlights the enormous potential for the Siberian energy and electrical industry

showimage elcom Rossija highlights the enormous potential for the Siberian energy and electrical industry

Vasili Jurchenko, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region (3rd fl.) inaugurates elcom Rossija 2012.

„Made in Germany“ with impressive presentation

Hand-in-hand with the organisers, highly ranked guests of honor from politics and industry inaugurated the 1st elcom Rossija, Siberia“s International Trade Fair on Renewable and Conventional Energy, Energy Efficiency, Electrical Engineering, Lighting and Automation. The exhibition was a platform for high-tech companies of the energy and electrical industry to increase their exports and to open daughter companies. The 1st edition of elcom Rossija was held from 18 – 20 September 2012 at the recently opened Novosibirsk Expocentre.

Vasili Jurchenko, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region and Andrey Ksensov, Deputy Major of Novosibirsk emphasized in their opening speeches for elcom Rossija the importance of energy and energy efficiency for the Siberian industry and the resource-rich Novosibirsk Region. The participation of the two ministers, Aleksey Strukov, Minister of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region and Denis Vladimirovich Vershinin, Minister of Construction and Housing of the Novosibirsk Region underlines, that elcom Rossija serves the enormous potential for energy and electrical industry. The 2-day conference program dealt intensively with the Russian „Electrical Energy Industry Development Plan and Program until 2020“.

„The Russian government with its socio-economic strategy 2020 aims at positioning Siberia not only as an important provider of natural resources. Various projects to improve and to modernise the infrastructure have already been started,“ states Dr Sara Warneke, ZVEI – the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers“ Association. Warneke further: „These investments contribute to further industrialise Siberia. Especially for innovative German high-tech companies of the electrical and electronics industry this provides an enormous growth potential. This concerns both, exports and the opening of daughter companies.“

„Made in Germany“ showed a strong presence with an official German pavilion, presented by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology in cooperation with AUMA and supported by ZVEI. On the 2nd exhibition day a German – Russian Conference on Energy Efficiency was held. „Especially in a climate zone like Siberia, with temperature differences up to 80 degrees Celsius, energy efficient, climate-conscious and sustainable architecture is the future for new buildings and the renovation of old buildings with innovative building technology and integrated planning,“ claimed Charlotte Koch, Koch Architekten 4greenArchitecture from Germany, in her presentation.

According to the organisers, fairtrade, Siberia Expo and Euroindex, exhibitors as well as visitors made valuable business contacts and expect a positive impact on the development of the Siberian economy. This success will be continued in the 2nd edition of elcom Rossija, which is scheduled for 17-19 September 2013 at the Novosibirsk Expocentre.


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69115 Heidelberg
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