Drink Cocoa to Lower Your BP

Over the last year, word has gotten around that chocolate has some positive effects on health for the average person. Australian researchers just added to that impression. According to their study, a little cocoa, combined with other factors, may actually decrease blood pressure for those with hypertension. But they are careful in how they word their statements.

“Although we don’t yet have evidence for any sustained decrease in blood pressure, the small reduction we saw over the short term might complement other treatment options and may even contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Your blood pressure should, on average, be no higher than 120/80. And if your diet includes a little extra cocoa, the research suggests your blood pressure may drop somewhere between two and three points. Granted, this doesn’t compare to certain prescription medicines that have a much deeper impact on blood pressure, but the very idea that the primary ingredient of chocolate has a soothing effect on the blood is worthy of note.

Like all studies, this one has a downside. In actuality, cocoa may not have been the only dietary factor that brought down blood pressure in the test subjects. What’s more, some of the compounds in cocoa can actually be found in teas and berries, which would suggest that the so-called research might be stretching the truth a little bit.

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