Do You Know What Benefits Of Blueberry?

Even though having a little size, but blueberry has very big benefits that can help people to solve their health problem such as giving the immune system, helping the brain, preventing from serious diseases and many more. The way to process the fruit to get its benefit is also not hard, and surely it can save the budget for going to a doctor

Usually a medicine is something which has bad taste and sometimes it brings us another problem such as nausea, vomit or sleepy. Some people even face some serious skin problems because they drink the medicine which makes them allergy, but there is one medicine which has good taste, nice appearance, cheap in price and it is enjoyable to consume, and that medicine is called blueberry!!

Blueberry is not just a fruit which is delicious to be made as cake ornament, but it contains many advantages such as

Strengthening Body Immune System

Basically people have their own medicine inside their body which is called as immune system, but unfortunately the lifestyle makes it weaker than it supposed to be, so they can get sick easier. Blueberry contains many useful substances for strengthening the immune system such as Vitamin C, vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, selenium, and zinc, Those substances will help the active shield to fight against bacteria or virus, so the person does not have to go to doctor so often. The blue color from this fruit also can neutralize the free radical which comes from pollution, cigarette or sun exposure. It is because the blue color of the blueberry contains with anthocyanin

Helping Brain’s Function

Giving the nutrition for brain is one of many benefits of Blueberry. This fruit can help you to sharpen your memory because blueberry is classified as brain food. Some research found that this fruit can reduce the risk of Alzheimer, so it is so good to lengthen your brain’s age. Besides memory, blueberry also can fix other functions of your brain.

Preventing Serious Diseases

If you do not want to suffer from serious diseases such as heart disease, cholesterol, digestive problem or cancer, start consuming the blueberry from now on. Blueberry contains of Pterostibene to fight the cancer effectively. The existence of Vitamin C and A will give a sign of strange cell which grows in your cell to stop reproducing. For everybody who lives in a big city which is really hard to find the fresh breeze of air, blueberry becomes a good choice to live healthier. It has so many percentages of fiber, cooper and ion which can help you to maintain your digestive system and reduce the possibility of heart disease.

We can say that benefits that Blueberry gives can reach all parts of human’s body from head to toe. The nerve and blood becomes the operation areas of this little fruit which makes this fruit can be a natural medicine which is delicious to be consumed.

Name : Rizki Yudhistira
Phone : 085276999699
Website : Avocado Benefits